When a trial balance does not agree, this is an indication
that error (s) have been made in the accounting entries.
Location of errors in small business concern is relatively
easy because or the few number of transactions. But, in a big business where
there is a large number of transactions, the accounting books and ledgers are
many and sub-divided.
Therefore, tracing the errors might be difficult and time
consuming. This problem can be simplified by haying a system that makes it
possible to localize the error{s} to specific ledger (s) so that such ledger{s}
will be thoroughly checked to locate and correct error{s}. This need is met by
having, a control account for each that shall act as a check on the accuracy of
the entries in the ledger.
A ledger that has a control account is sometimes referred to
as a self-balancing ledger.
At the end of this note, you should be able to:
• define control Account
• explain Sales ledger Control Account
• explain Purchases ledger Control Account
• give the formats of control Accounts
• explain the Treatment of certain items in Control Accounts
• give the Advantages of Control Accounts.
3.1 Control Accounts
3.2 Definition
Control Accounts are accounts prepared to check the accuracy
of some specified ledgers. They make use of total figures of items posted
individually into the ledger accounts and are normally prepared for sales and
purchases ledgers.
Control Accounts can also be defined' as accounts which
contain the summary of total of entries in the individual accounts in the
In other words, control accounts are replica in summarized
form of the accounts in the ledger to which they relate. It therefore follows
that the balance, on these accounts will be equal to the total of all
individual balances in the ledger. Where this is not so, it is an indication of
errors in the ledger.
3.3 Sales Ledger Control Account
Sales ledger Control Account is also known as "Total
Debtors Account". It is debited with the sum of all the items which have
been debited in detail to various personal accounts in the sales ledger and
credited with the total of all the items which have been credited to such
accounts. The
balance of the sales ledger control accounts should be equal
to the total of the balances shown in the sales ledger.
In summary, the sales ledger control account which contains on
the debit side, the totals of the following items:
A Opening debit balances
B Total sales made during the period
C Cash and cheques paid to debits
On the credit side it will
contain the totals of the following items:
A Opening credit balances
B Cash and cheques received from debtors during the period
C Returns Inwards
D Bad debts written off
E Discount allowed to debtors.
3.4 Purchases Ledger Control Account
This is also known as "Total Creditors Account". It
serves as a control account of the purchases ledgers and should show a balance
equal to the total of all the balances of creditor's personal accounts in those
The following will be shown on the credit side of the accounts:
A Opening Credit balances
B Total Purchases during the period.
On the debit side, the following are shown:
A Opening debit balances
B Cash and cheques paid to customers during the period
C Discount received
D Returns Outwards
It should be noted that the entries in this account take the
opposite form of the Total Debtors Account.
3.5 Formats of Control Accounts
3.5.1 Debtors Control Account/Sales Ledger
3.5.2 Creditors Control
Account/Purchases Ledger Control Account
3.6 Treatment of Certain Items in Control Accounts
3.6.1 Debtors Control Account
I Bills Receivable: Where bills receivable and bills
receivable accepted are both given, the latter should be used because the
obligation of the debtor on the bills arises only when he accepts the bill.
However, where only bills receivable is given, it should be interpreted to mean
bills receivable accepted.
II Bills receivable discounted should be disregarded.
III Bills receivable honored should be disregarded.
IV Bad debt recovered: Should be ignored unless it had earlier
credited to the debtors control account, in which case it
should be debited to the debtors control account.
V Provisions for bad/doubtful debt and provision for discount
allowable should be disregarded.
VI Cash sales should be disregarded
3.6.2 Creditors Control
I Bills payable: The same rule as with bills receivable
II Bills payable honored should be disregarded.
III Provision for discount receivable should be disregarded
IV Cash purchases should be disregarded.
3.7 Disadvantages of Control Accounts
1. Control Accounts make it possible to localize error{s} so
that time is not wasted checking ledger{s} where there are no errors.
2. Because control accounts are normally put under the charge
of a senior official, they serve as a check against fraud by junior accounting
officials keeping the ledgers.
3. Control Account saves the time and effort of drawing up the
schedules of debtors and creditors and thereby, aids the preparation of draft
annual accounts.
4. They aid the preparation of interim final accounts since
the balances of control accounts at any time represent the total of the
balances in the individual accounts.
5. They can be used to detect missing figures.
When all the accounts were kept in one ledger a trial balance
could be extracted as a test of the arithmetical accuracy of the account. It
must be remembered that certain errors were not revealed by such a trial
balance. If the trial balance totals disagreed, the number of entries for such
a small business being relatively few, the books could easily and quickly be
checked so as to locate the errors. However, when the firm has grown an the
accounting work has been so subdivided that there are several or many ledgers, a
trial balance the totals of which did not agree could result in a great deal of
unnecessary checking before the errors were found. What is required in fact is
a type of trial balance for each ledger, and this requirement is met by the
control Account.
In this note, we have dealt with definitions of control
account and we have also explained Sales Ledger Control Account, Purchases
Ledger Account and the Treatment of certain items in Control accounts. A
Control Account for a sales Ledger could be known either as a sales ledger
control account or as a total debtors account. Similarly, a Control Account for
a purchases ledger could be known either as a Purchases Ledger Control Account
or as a Total Creditors Account.
When two different bills receivable is given in a question without indicating the one accepted and the dishonoured. What is the treatment
ReplyDeleteI.e Bills Receivable 1000
Bills Receivable 500