
Audit Report

The Companies and Allied Matters Act (CAMA) of 1990 and the Fourth
Standard of reporting provide that an auditor should report on the
financial statements under examination to show if those statements
present a true and fair view of the financial position of the firm. If the
firm’s financial statements do not present a true and fair view, the
auditor should qualify his reports.

The Companies and Allied Matters Act of 1990 requires auditors to
issue an opinion covering the following areas.

(a) The balance sheet of the company;
(b) The profit and loss account;
(c) The statement of sources and application of funds;
(d) The holding companies (in the case of group accounts);
(e) Other accounts as required by the Act such as: the disclosure of
certain information relating to loans to directors and officers,
directors’ emoluments, pensions, and compensation for loss of
The American Institute of Certified Public Accountants, in the
codification of auditing statements under the standard of report, states
the fourth standard of reporting, thus:

· The report shall state the expression of opinion regarding the
· financial statements, taken as a whole. When an overall
· opinion cannot be expressed, the reasons, therefore, should be
· stated and the report shall contain a clear-cut indication of
· the auditor’s examination and the responsibility he is taking.
In this note, therefore, we shall consider the following:
· overview of auditors’ reports relative to the relevant legislation
and auditing standards;
· types of auditor’s opinions and reports;
· qualifications in audit reports;
· reasons for qualification in audit reports.

At the end of this note, you should be able to:
· outline an overview of auditor’s reports
· explain the types of auditor’s opinions and reports
· highlight the statement of accounting standards on qualifications
in audit reports
· explain reasons for qualifying audit reports
· describe the assertions in a standard auditor’s report.

3.1 Overview of Auditor’s Report
Let us make an overview of auditor’s reports, bearing in mind the
provisions of the relevant legislations as well as the Statement of
Auditing Standards, as follows.

(a) The auditing standard applies to all reports in which the auditor
expresses an opinion on financial statements intended to give a
true and fair view of the state of affairs, profit and loss, and
where applicable, source and application of funds. The standard
is not intended to override the statutory exemptions granted in
respect of certain types of enterprises, but it is intended to apply
to the audit reports relating to such enterprises in other respects;

(b) The audit report should identify to whom it is addressed and the
financial statements to which the report relates;
(c) The auditor should refer expressly in his report to the following:

 (i) whether the financial statements have been audited in accordance
with approved auditing standards;
(ii) whether in the auditor’s opinion, the financial statements give a
true and fair view of the state of affairs, profit and loss, and
where applicable, source and application of funds;
(iii) any matter prescribed by the relevant legislations or other

(d) When expressing an opinion that the financial statements give a
true and fair view, the auditor should be satisfied among other
(i) that all relevant statements of standard accounting practices have
been complied with except in situations in which for justifiable
reasons, they are not strictly applicable, because they are
impracticable or exceptional, having regard to the circumstances,
would be inappropriate or give a misleading view; and
(ii) that any significant accounting policies which are not the subjects
of statements of standard accounting practices are appropriate to
the circumstances of the business;

(e) The auditor should refer in his report to the particular accounting
convention used in preparing the financial statements, such as
historical cost convention, etc., in order to avoid

(f) Emphasis of matter. As a general principle, the auditor issuing an
unqualified opinion should not make reference to specific aspects
of the financial statements in the body of his reports as such
reference may be misconstrued as being a qualification. In order
to avoid giving the impression that a qualification is intended,
references which are regarded as emphasis of matter should be
contained in a separate paragraph and introduced with a phrase
such as:

i. we draw attention to …
ii. and should not be referred to in the opinion paragraph. Emphasis
of matter should not be used to rectify a lack of appropriate
disclosure in the financial statements nor should it be regarded as
a substitute for a qualification.

(g) The auditor should comply with any reporting requirement
imposed by legislation and any other reporting requirement
relevant to the financial statement. Note that the auditor is only
required to include reference to the accounting convention if he
considers it necessary to avoid misunderstanding

3.2 Types of Auditor’s Opinions and Reports
3.2.1 Unqualified Opinion/Report
This is also known as “clean” report. It is referred to as such because
the auditor is able to report affirmatively (positively) on the statements
prepared. It speaks to conformity with the Generally Accepted
Accounting Principles (GAAP), consistent application of accounting
principles and includes all informative disclosures.
Unqualified report cannot be issued when the internal control is very
weak, and where there is restriction on the scope of the auditor’s work.
Below is an example of unqualified report:
We have examined the financial statements set out on pages ……
to .…… and have obtained all necessary information and
explanations which we considered necessary. Proper books have
been kept and proper returns received from the branches, and
the financial statements, which are in agreement therewith, comply
with the requirements of the Companies and Allied Act of 1990.
To the best of our knowledge and belief, the Group complied with the
guidelines of the Productivity, Prices and Incomes Board during the year
ended …………., 20……
In our opinion, the financial statements give a true and fair view of the
state of the financial position of the Company and the Group as at
……….., 20….., and of the Profit and Loss Accounts, the Balance Sheet
and the Sources and Application of Funds of the Group for the year
ended on that date.”

Note that the auditor’s report has two sections, they are as follows.
(a) The scope section/paragraph – explains the financial statements
examined and the application of Generally Accepted Auditing
Standards (GAAS) in performing the audit;

(b) The opinion paragraph – deals with the auditor’s professional
view concerning the results of the audit work.

3.2.2 Qualified Opinion
This type of report lacks sufficient competent evidential matter to
support an opinion. It has restrictions on the scope of the audit, and the
auditor believes that:

 (a) there is material departure from GAAP;
(b) there is lack of consistency;
(c) there are significant uncertainties.
In this situation, the auditor must disclose the reasons and possible
effects of his qualification. The auditor should use the words “except”,
“exception” or “subject to” in the opinion paragraph.

3.2.3 Adverse Opinion
Adverse opinion is issued by an auditor when exception is so material to
warrant justification. The financial statements, as a whole, do not
present fairly the true financial position of the company. Thus, adverse
opinion is issued when qualified opinion cannot be justified, and the
auditor must disclose substantive reasons and the principal effects on the
overall financial statements.

3.2.4 Disclaimer Opinion
If an auditor does not have enough evidence to form an opinion, he must
state so in his report and disclaims an opinion. A disclaimer can result
either because the scope of the auditor’s examination was seriously
limited or due to some unpredictable uncertainties.
Therefore, for an auditor to disclaim an opinion, there must be serious
scope limitation or unusual uncertainties, and the financial statements
revealed material departures from the GAAP.

3.3 Qualification in Audit Reports
We shall consider this in relation to the stipulations in the Statement of
Auditing Standards.

(a) When the auditor is unable to report affirmatively on the relevant
matters, he should qualify his report by referring to all material
matters about which he has reservations. All reasons for the
qualification should be given together with a qualification of its
effect on the financial statements, if this is both relevant and
practicable. Also, reference may need to be made to noncompliance
with legislation and other requirements.

 (b) A qualified report should leave the reader in no doubt as to the
meaning and implications for an understanding of the financial

(c) The nature of the circumstances giving rise to a qualification of
opinion will generally fall into one of two main categories:

(i) where there is an uncertainty which prevents the auditor from
forming an opinion on a matter, or
(ii) where the auditor is able to form an opinion on the matter giving
rise to the qualification, but this conflicts with the view given by
the financial statements (disagreement).

(d) The forms of qualification which should be used in different
circumstances are shown below (courtesy of Recommendation of

Auditing Practices Committee on Qualification in Audit Reports):

Note our discussion on the types of auditor’s opinion and reports (3.2
above). Each of the above categories gives rise to alternative forms of
qualification, depending upon whether the subject of the uncertainty or
disagreement is considered to be fundamental so as to undermine the
view given by the financial statements taken as a whole.
· Disclaimer of opinion: the auditor states that he is unable to form
an opinion as to whether the financial statements give a true and
fair view.
· “Subject to” opinion: the auditor effectively disclaims an opinion
on a particular matter which is not considered fundamental.
· Adverse opinion: the auditor states that in his own opinion, the
financial statements do not give a true and fair view.
· “Except” opinion: the auditor expresses an adverse opinion on a
particular matter which is not considered fundamental.

3.4 Reasons for Qualification in Audit Reports
The reasons for qualification can be obtained as follows:
(a)    Uncertainties
(i) Limitation in the scope of the audit: this arises if the auditor is
unable to obtain all the information and explanations which he
considers necessary for the purpose of the audit, for example,
absence of proper accounting records;
(ii) Inherent uncertainties: this results from circumstances in which
it is not possible to reach an objective conclusion as to the
outcome of a situation due to the circumstances themselves rather
than to any limitation of the scope of audit procedures, for
example, major litigations.

(b) Disagreements
Circumstances that can give rise to disagreements are as follows:
(i) Departures from acceptable accounting practices;
(ii) Disagreement as to the facts or amounts included in the financial
(iii) Disagreement as to the manner or extent of disclosure of facts or
amounts in the financial statements;
(iv) Failure to comply with relevant legislations or other

3.5 Assertions in a Standard Auditor’s Report
The standard auditor’s report in this context is referred to as a clean or
unqualified opinion. There are certain basic elements that should be
pointed out for clear understanding and appreciation of the duties of
These basic assertions or elements are as follows.
(i) We have examined;
(ii) The financial statements;
(iii) Of a particular company;
(iv) Application of the GAAS;
(v) Tests of the accounting records of client;
(vi) Application of other audit procedures;
(vii) In our opinion;
(viii) Present fairly or present a true and fair view of the company’s
financial position;
(ix) In accordance with the GAAP;
(x) Consistent application of accounting principles.

In this note, you have learnt that the reason for the standard of reporting
is to alert every auditor on the responsibilities he owes to the public and
his client. The greatest legal requirement placed upon the statutory
auditor is for the auditor to state if the accounts audited are true and fair.
Financial statements can be said to be true and fair if the assets are truly
and fairly stated, all liabilities are taken into account, the results shown
in the profit and loss accounts are truly and fairly reported, and all
pieces of information are provided in accordance with the GAAP and
the Companies and Allied Matters Act of 1990.

In this note, you have interacted with the following topics:
· An overview of the auditor’s reports in relation to the relevant
legislation and the auditing standards;
· Types of auditor’s opinions and reports;
· Qualifications in audit reports;
· Reasons for qualification in auditor reports;
· Basic assertions in a standard auditor’s reports.


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