
Definition Of Accounting And Accountancy, And Importance Of Accountancy

Accounting is often called the language of business. The basic function of any language is to serve as a means of communications. In this note, the purpose of accounting is to communicate or report the results of business operations and its various aspects to interested users of accounting information.

At the end of this note, you should be able to:
• define Accounting
• define Accountancy
• explain the relationship between the above definitions
• explain the importance of Accounting and describe the nature of information which such accounting records furnish to various categories of persons.

3.1 Definition of Accounting and Accountancy
3.1.1 Definition of Accounting
Though accounting has been variously defined, according to one commonly accepted definition.
Accounting is the art of recording, classifying and summarising in a significant manner and in terms of money, transactions, an events which are, in part, at least, of financial character and interpreting the results thereof".
Another definition which is less restrictive interprets accounting as "the process of identifying, measuring and communicating economic information to permit informed judgments and decisions by the users of information".

3.1.2 Definition of Accountancy
One often hears the words "Accountancy" and "Accounting" as if they are one and the same thing. Of course there is some difference between them, at least in the Noteed Kingdom to which the practice of accountancy in Nigeria is closely associated. Accountancy is the work or profession of an accountant

3.2 Importance of Accountancy
While discussing the definition of Accounting, you must have observed that accounting involves a series of activities linked with each other beginning with recording, classifying, summarising, identifying, measuring and finally communicating information to its users. Information has no meaning unless it is linked with a certain purpose. 

Accounting as a social science can be viewed as an information system since it has all the features of a system. If we consider accounting as an information system, then we are in a position to make some important observations. First, the goal of the system is to provide information which meets the needs of its users. Secondly, it is the output requirements that determine the type of data which would be selected as the inputs which would be selected as the inputs for processing into information output.
We shall now briefly discuss what the information needs of various users are. 

3.2.1 Shareholders and Investors
Since shareholders and other investors have invested their money in a business enterprise, they are interested in knowing periodically about the profitability of the enterprise, the soundness of their investments and the growth prospects of the enterprise. Historically, business accounting developed to supply information to those who had invested their funds in business enterprises.

3.2.2 Creditors
Creditors may be short-term or long-term lenders. Short-term creditors include suppliers of materials, goods or services. They are normally known as trade creditors. Long-term creditors are those who have lent money for a long period, usually in form of secured loans.
The main concern of the creditors is focused on the credit worthiness of the firm and its ability to meet its financial obligations. They are, therefore, concerned with the liquidity of the firm, its profitability and financial soundness.
In order words, it can also be state that creditors are interested mainly in information which deals with solvency, liquidity and profitability so that they could assess the financial standing of the firm.

3.2.3 Employees
Employees are interested in the financial position of the business they serve particularly when payment of bonus depends upon the size of the profits earned.

3.3.4 Government
In a mixed economy, it is considered to be the responsibility of the Government to direct the operation of the economic system in such a manner that it subserves the common goal. Controls and regulations on the operation of private sector enterprises are the hallmark of mixed economy. Several government agencies collect information about various aspects of activities of business organisations.
Much of this information is a direct output of the amounting system. For example, levels of outputs, profits, investments, costs, and taxes etc. All this information is very important in evolving policies for managing the economy. The task of the Government in managing the industrial economy of the country is facilitated if amounting information is presented as far as possible, in a uniform manner. It is clear that if accounting information is distorted due to manipulations and window - dressing in the presentation of annual accounts, it will have ill — effects on the measures the government intends to take and the policies it wishes to adopt.

3.4.5 Management
Organisations may or may not exist for the sole purpose of profit. However, information needs of the managers of both kinds of organisations are almost the same. All these functions have one thing in common and it is that they are all concerned with making decisions which have their own specific information requirements. The emphasis on efficient and effective management of organisations has considerably extended the demands for amounting information.

3.4.6 Consumers
Consumers are interested in the establishment of good accounting control so that cost of production may be reduced with the resultant reduction on the process of goods they buy.

3.4.7 Research Scholars
The financial statements, being a mirror of the financial position of a firm are of immense value to the research scholar who wants to make a study into financial operations of a particular firm.

In this note, the discussion perhaps has indicated to you that the information needs of the various users may not necessarily be the same. Sometimes, they may even conflict and compete with each. In any case, the objective of accounting information is to enable information user to make optimum decisions.

Accounting is an important service activity in business and is concerned with the collecting recording, evaluating and communicating the results of past events.
Accounting is the language .employed to communicate financial information to various categories of users (e.g. Shareholders, Creditors, Employees, Government, Management and consumers etc.) who are interested in such information.



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