Business Enterprises are perceived as living and social entities and therefore
like a human being, organizations have life, do interact and by implication
have a culture.
At the end of this note, you should be able to:
state the concept of organizational culture
· explain the
characteristics of organizational culture
· analyze the
functions of organizational culture
explain socialization and monitoring.
3.1 The Concept of Culture
Culture has been seen as the means by which people
communicate, perpetuate and develop their knowledge about attitudes toward
life. Culture is the fabric of meaning in terms of which human being interpret their
experience and guide their action.
Culture is mainly man-made, confirmed by others,
conventionalized and passed for younger people or newcomers to learn. It
provides people with a meaningful context in which to meet, to the themselves
and the outer world. Culture can be distinguished from one environment to
another. Culture also comes in layers.
- the outer layer
- the middle layer
- the core layer.
The Outer Layer This presents itself as an explicit
product. This is the observable reality of the language, food, monuments, mode
of dressing. The outer layer of culture is the symbols of a deeper level of
culture and it is this symbolic and observable level that prejudices start
The Middle Layer: Norms and Values Norms are the
mutual sense a group has what is “right” and “wrong”. Values are the definition
of what is good or bad and therefore closely related to the ideas shared by the
The Core Layer This has to do with Assumption about
existence The basic value people store for is SURVIVAL. The core layer of culture
refers to the solving of daily problems in such a way that these problems
disappear from our consciousness. This specific organizational culture is
nothing but the way in which groups have organized themselves over the years to
solve problems and challenges presented to them.
3.1.1 The Concept of Organizational Culture Culture
is part of organizational life that influences the behavior attitudes and
overall effectiveness of employees. Edgar Schun (1985, P9) defines
organizational culture as “a pattern of basic assumptions invented, discovered
or developed by a given group as it learns to cope with its problem of external
adaptation and internal integration that has worked well enough to be
considered valuable and therefore to be taught to new members as the correct
way to perceive, think and feel in relation to these problems.
These definitions highlight two important characteristics of
organizational culture:
(1) Organizational culture influences people’s behavior at
(2) Organizational culture operates on two levels, which
vary in terms of outward visibility and resistance to change. At the less visible
level, culture reflects the values, shared among organizational members, these
values tend to persist over time and are more resistance to change.
At the more visible level, culture represents the normative behavior
patterns accepted by members of the organization. These patterns of behavior
are passed from one generation to another through the process of socialization.
At these levels, culture is susceptible to change. It is instructive to note
that each level of culture influences the other.
3.1.2 Characteristics of Organizational Culture
- Culture
helps in the shaping the behavior of both an individual and an organization.
- Interaction and Socialization among organizational members
is inevitable, when people interact, they use common language, terminology and
details that are related to defense and demeanour.
- Norms, these are
standards of behavior that exists within the organization.
- Culture dominates
values. These are the major values the organization advocates and expect the
participants to share.
- The philosophy of
the organization is the policies that set forth the organizations beliefs about
how employees or customers are treated.
- Rules are the strict guidelines related to getting along
in the organization. New entrants into the organization are to be inducted into
these rules and regulation. They (rules) determine the behavior of the
participants and where behavior that does not conform to their rules may be
termed a “misnomer”.
–Organizational Climate: This is the overall feeling
that is conveyed by the physical layout, the way the participants interact and
the way members of the group conduct themselves with the customers.
Organizational climate could be friendly or aggressive.
3.2 Functions of
Organizational Culture Organizational culture first and foremost gives
members an organizational identity. This allows members of staff a higher sense
of commitment. It helps them to identify with organizational goals and objectives.
Secondly organizational climate facilitates collective commitment.
Commitment here is a series of identification, loyalty and
involvement expressed by employees towards the organization. Where this exists
the tendency is that there will be a low rate of turn over. Thirdly it promotes
social system stability. This is the extent to which the work environment is
perceived as positive and reinforcing with conflict and change managed
3.2.1 Socialization and Culture Organizational
Socialization is the process by which a person learns the values and norms and
required behavior that permits participation as a member of the organization.
The socialization process of an organization is the key mechanism used by
organizations to embed the organizational culture i.e. a transmittal of values,
assumptions and attitudes from the older to the newer employees.
The process of socialization goes on throughout an
employee’s career in the organization. However, it must be pointed out that the
socialization process is not static or stereotype, but rather dynamic, as the
needs of the organization changes. Employees must adapt to these new needs i.e.
they must socialize to conform to these needs. Insipte of the endemic nature of
socialization as an agent of organizational culture is more useful at the early
stage of an employee’s career in the organization.
3.2.2 Socialization and Mentoring
Mentoring - This is a process of forming and
maintaining an intensive and lasting developing relationship between a senior
person (the mentor) and junior person (the protégé). Mentoring as an aspect of
socialization is important in developing a high performance cultures by three
basic ways:
i) Mentoring contribute in creating a sense of oneness by
promoting the acceptance of the organization core values.
ii) It promotes a
sense of mentoring
iii) It increases interpersonal exchanges among
organizational members.
- Initiation
- Cultivation
- Separation
- Re-definition
Initiation is a period six months to one year during
which time relationships gets started and begins to have importance to both the
mentor and the protégé.
Cultivation - This is a period of two – five years
during which time the range of career and psychological functions provided,
expanded to a maximum.
Separation - A period of six months – two years after
a significant change in the structural role relationship and/or in the
emotional experience of the relationship.
Re-definition -
An indefinite period after the separation phase, during which time the
relationship is ended or takes on significantly different characteristics
making it a more peer-like friendship.
Mentoring roles includes the following:
- Respecting the
confidentiality of the relationship and actively building trust.
- Giving
encouragement to the learner to progress and being enthusiastic about the
- Supporting
learner’s personal development and their learning ability
- Building the
confidence of learners.
In this note
you have been able to see the use of culture in improving organizational
status. It also treated the concept of organizational culture, its
characteristics and functions.
The note has examined the concept of culture,
socialization vis-à-vis culture and mentoring. <<<Previous Note View Course Content Next Note>>>
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