Appraising the performance of individuals, groups and
organizations is a common practice of all societies. According to G.A. Cole,
employee performance appraisal is one out of only three (3) of the numerous personnel
functions that evaluates the employee as individuals. In the Nigerian parlance
is known as confidential report which is done by the Manager/Supervisor without the knowledge of input by the employee being appraised and at another time as “an open performance appraisal” system. While in some instances these appraisal processes are structured and formally sanctioned in-other instances, they are informal and integral part of the daily activities.
is known as confidential report which is done by the Manager/Supervisor without the knowledge of input by the employee being appraised and at another time as “an open performance appraisal” system. While in some instances these appraisal processes are structured and formally sanctioned in-other instances, they are informal and integral part of the daily activities.
At the end of this note, you should be able to:
define the concept of performance appraisal
list the reasons for which appraisals are done
recognize an appraisal form
construct a rating scale for employee appraisal
conduct an appraisal interview.
3.1 Definitions and Scope Definition:
Performance appraisal is a method of evaluating the behavior
of employees in a work organization which normally includes quantitative and
qualitative aspects of job performance. Performance here refers to the degree
of accomplishment of the tasks that make-up an individual’s job. Under
performance appraisal, he evaluates not only the performance of a worker but
also his potential for development.
Scope: Seen in the light of the definition above,
performance appraisal has quite a number of factors in it to be considered.
Firstly, it is an appraisal of the employee’s capabilities
and potential capabilities. It is a rating of an employee’s trait.
Secondly, it is an assessment of data on work done.
Therefore it is not an appraisal of an individual’s trait
alone but an objective measure of work done, wrong facts and figures. Taking these
two factors together performance appraisal can be seen to be concerned with
assessment of both behavior and performance.
Thirdly, it has an aim, which is to allow decision to be
made in relation to training, development, promotion and increment in salary.
3.2 Reasons for Appraisal
Reasons for
Performance Appraisal
- To provide information about the performance
ranks based on which decisions regarding fixing of salaries, confirmation, promotion,
transfers and demotions are taken.
- Provide feedback information
about the level of achievement and behavior of subordinates. This information
helps to review the performance of the subordinates rectifying performance deficiencies
and to set new standards of work if necessary.
- Provide information which helps
to counsel the subordinates. - Provide information to diagnose deficiency in
employees regarding skill knowledge, determine training and development needs
and to prescribe the means for employee growth. - Provides information for
correct placement.
– To prevent grievances and in
disciplinary action.
In summary, the
reasons for appraisal is to draw attention to present performance in the job
inorder to: a. Reward people fairly b. To identify those with potentials for
promotion or transfer.
3.3 Difficulties
with Appraisal
As noted earlier performance appraisal is an intricate and
complex affair. A. G. Cole cites three difficulties concerning both accuracy
and fairness of approaches.
They are:
The construction of the appraisal
The style in which the appraisal is done
The culture of the organization.
3.3.1 The
Appraisal Document
The target of
appraisal can either be performance or behavior of an employee. The instrument
or document use for appraisal, usually indicates what is that is being
appraised. A.G. Cole gives the characteristics of forms which seek information
about the person rather than about his performance as:
(i) Generalized criteria.
(ii) Generalized ratings of performance
(iii) Individual qualities rather than results
(iv) Box ticking as a
method of performance
Appraisal Styles
There are three basic approaches to appraisal interview,
they are as follows:
(1) Tell and Sell Approach: Here the manager tells
his subordinates how he is doing, and endeavours to persuade him to accept what
has been decided for him in terms of improvement.
(2) Tell and Listen Approach: Where the manager tells
his subordinates how he is doing, but then sits back and listens to the individual’s
point of view both about the appraisal and about any follow up action required.
(3) Problem -Solving Approach: Here the manager
effectively puts aside the role of the judge inorder to join the subordinate in
mutual reflection on progress and mutual discussion about required action.
3.3.2 Rating Scales in Performance Appraisal
Whichever factor is being measured here – behavior or
performance appraisers still have to measure individual performance which they
do by the use of one or more scales. Linear / Graphic Rating Scales
2. Behavioral Scales: This type of appraisal seeks
information about the employee rather than his or her performance.
3. Free written Reports: Here, the appraiser writes
essay type answers to question set on the appraisal of documents.
3.3.3 Appraisal Interviews
This is a face-to-face meeting the employee and his manager
or supervisor. Its aim is to discuss the subject of each item on the appraisal form.
This is related to open rather than the confidential appraisal method. It has a
number of objectives. - To evaluate the subordinates recent performance
- To formulate job improvement plans
- To identify problems and /or examine possible opportunities related to the job.
- To improve superior and subordinates.
- To provide feedback on job performance to the employee.
- To provide rational for salary reviews
- To identify potential performance/possibilities for
promotional or transfer.
- To identify training and development needs.
This note has
dealt with critical sensitive personnel functions. Here appraisal rates both behavior
and performance. The role of appraisal interviews that brings about a close
relationship between the superordinates and the subordinates.
This note covers the definition, scope and the
format of appraisal as well as style.
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