
Departmentation By Enterprise Functions And Geographic/ Territorial

We studied the management function of organizing in our last note. We noted the meaning of organizing and the advantages associated with proper organizing. Since organizing demands
designing the internal structure of an enterprise or any organization it needs the conceptual skill of the manager. This means that organizing demands creativity. We went further to list the conditions that should be put in place before proper organizing can take place. We then examined the two forms of organization, noting too their characteristics.

 In this note, we are going to take another phase of organizing, and that is Departmentation  . We saw in our last note that one of the advantages of organizing is that it clarifies the organization's internal environment. One way to achieve this is proper Departmentation  . We shall therefore be looking at what is Departmentation  . We have to note that there several forms of Departmentation  . At this stage of our course, we shall not be able to treat all of them. There are other fundamental principles of management which you have not yet learnt, though they are important at  154 this stage. We will be discussing, as a result only the major forms of Departmentation 
We will be emphasizing the advantages and disadvantages associated with each form of Departmentation  . One further remark we have to make concerning Departmentation   is that there is no single pattern of Departmentation   to use. The manager has to use his creativity to select the pattern or the form that will assist him to accomplish the objective in the light of the prevailing situation.

By the end of this note, you should be able to:
· Describe the major form of Departmentation 
 · List the advantages and disadvantages of each form of Departmentation   

3.1 Departmentation   by Enterprise Function
This form of Departmentation   is to group the activities being performed along the line of functions of the organization. Since every enterprises aims at creating or producing something that is desirable by others the basic enterprise functions are:

3.1.1 Production
Production is to add utility to goods or services. This means getting raw materials and transforming them into finished products or taking an idea and using it as a basis for providing service to others.

3.1.2 Selling
This necessitates finding customers/clients who will agree to accept the product or service at a price.

3.1.3 Financing
This involves raising funds, safeguarding the funds against waste and expending the funds in a manner that will maximize the objectives of the organization. All these activities can logically be grouped into: engineering, production, marketing and finance departments. Note that there can be variation of names concerning these departments. For example there may be no engineering or production in a ministry or  church. But appropriate names reflecting the major functions can still be used. See example of Departmentation   by enterprise function below:
Fig. 7.1 Showing Departmentation   by enterprise function
The above Departmentation   is according to enterprise functions. This means that the activities are grouped according to the major functions being performed by this medium-size manufacturing company. There are obvious advantages associated with this form of Departmentation  .

3.1.4 Advantages
(a) It shows in a logical manner the basic functions that are being performed in the organization. By merely glancing at the chart, one would quickly see these functions

(b) Its main the power and prestige of the major functions. We have earlier discussed that positions should only be created if such positions have positive roles to play in the attainment of the organizations objectives. By looking at the diagrams one can see the departments and positions that are playing such roles.

(c) The form of Departmentation   again follows the principles of occupational specialization. These are in engineering, production,  marketing and finance. As a result, any one that has a flair for any of these areas can move in to such area and contribute his quota toward the realization of the organization's objective.

(d) The form of Departmentation   simplifies training. This means that whenever there is a new employee on the job, training can be organized for such employee. The older person in the department can put him through in the fine rope of the department's job without moving outside the department.

3.1.5 Disadvantages
There are recognized disadvantages in this form of Departmentation   which are stated below.

(a) It tends to create over specialization. And when employees in a department over specialize, it tends to narrow their view points and orientations to the extent that problems of the other departments are not appreciated.

(b) This form of Departmentation   makes the development of the specialist managers to be difficult. This is because as specialists, their view points are narrowed and can not readily be made a general manager because a general manager as the name implies is a generalist; as such, his mind is sufficiently broadened to take balanced decision for the overall interest of the organization.

(c) Because managers see themselves along specialist lines, it makes coordination which is the essence of management to be difficult. Coordination demands that an activity should be linked logically to another activity and thereby making the entire organization to operate as a note. But with over specialization which has strait jacketed managers. View points tend to reduce the note of the whole enterprise.

(d) The Departmentation   creates another limitation of preventing the to grow economically as a system. Each department tend to operate along its own area of specialization. But an organization is supposed to operate as a note, to the extent that what affects a part will automatically have effect on other parts. Each part should support and cooperate with one another. Over specialization reduces this support and cooperation. 

3.2 Departmentation   by Geographic area
This form of Departmentation   ensures that all activities in a geographic area or territory are grouped and assigned to a manager who has other staff working under him. This form of Departmentation   is attractive to large scale organizations whose organizations spread over large geographic areas. There are advantages as well as disadvantages of this form of Departmentation  .

3.2.1 Advantages of Geographic Departmentation   
(a) Profit making is placed at a lower level that is, the respective managers in the field are charged with the responsibility of making profit for the organization. This leaves the headquarters and the top level manager to have the time to plan for overall greater growth of the organization.

(b) Emphasis is placed on the local market. This is important because there is no point producing goods and services that are not readily sold to the customers. This is a problem which arises either because the goods do not meet the needs of the customers and/or the goods are not sold with the correct marketing strategies. But by operating close to the customers, their peculiar needs and problems are taking into consideration in producing and marketing the goods.

(c) Since the field managers and the staff are more or less experts in the local area, they can gather good results in terms of greater sales revenue compared to somebody who does not know the local environment. The field managers know the captains and other channel members through whom they can distribute the company's products. They also know the customs, norms and traditions and will not adopt strategies that will be offensive to the culture of the local people. All these and more a stranger can never appreciate let alone observe. The field officers also know their competitors and are better prepared to compete with them. 

(d) The form of Departmentation   provides a fertile ground to train managers who can become general managers in future. This is because while in the field, he has got experiences in dealing with specialists in accounting, marketing/sales, personnel, production/engineering and was successful. The same experience can be brought to bear in his future role as a general manager without being unduly biased to any specialist.

3.2.2 Disadvantages of Departmentation   by geographic area
(a) There is high cost of coordination and control from the headquarters. In an attempt to ensure that the entire organization work as a team there is the need to link together the activities of one geographic area to the activities operating in another geographic area. This is not an easy task because it may necessitate staff transfers with the attendant costs. Visits also from the headquarters and other forms of communication may also demand enormous resources of the organization.

b) The form of Departmentation   demands creating more levels of management. At each level, there are supporting staff. Beyond the payment of salaries and wages, workers must be provided with offices. And these offices must be furnished. Cars and other status symbols associated with each position must be made available. All these and more put demands on organizational resources. See the diagram below
Fig. 6.2: Showing Geographic Departmentation  .  

(c) Again, this form of Departmentation   requires personnel with general managerial abilities who can not only be in the headquarters but more importantly in the field because as we have pointed out earlier the responsibility for profit is in the field. But to find managers with general managerial ability that can take balanced and matured decisions is not easy. What one readily finds are specialists who cannot for reasons earlier given can be made general managers. If for any reason, specialist is made a general manager; such action can spell disaster to the organization.

Two forms of Departmentation   have been discussed in this note. These are the Departmentation   by enterprise functions and geographic/territorial form of Departmentation  . This means that an organization adopting any form of these Departmentation   have to group its activities along such lines. But in doing so, it has to consider or weigh the cost/benefits.

That is, it has to examine carefully the advantages as well as the disadvantages that are associated with the forms of Departmentation  . The outcome of such analysis will provide the basis for the choice of the form of Departmentation   to adopt.

We have discussed two major forms of Departmentation  . These are Departmentation   by enterprise function and geographic or territorial form of Departmentation  . We have also looked at the sets of advantages and disadvantages that are associated with these forms of Departmentation  . We shall be talking more of forms of Departmentation   in our next note. 


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