
Directing And Leading

1.0 INTRODUCTION Directing and leading is the last management function we are going to consider in this course. And this note is the last one too for this course. Last note, we discussed
controlling and co-ordinating.

We saw their useful and their nature and they form part of the management process. Remember what we said in the beginning when we started looking at the management functions. We pointed out these functions are not to be considered as if they are separate and airtight. They are connected with one another, they work as a system.

As a result, if any one of them is not properly applied the whole process of manager will suffer. All the functions are important and should be performed diligently. Directing and leading is the inter-personal relations of mangers and their subordinates. It concerns those interactions that managers need to have with their subordinates. You distance yourself from your subordinates.

Subordinates must be given guidance through good communication and by ability to lead. This is because dealing with subordinates involves complex patterns of behaviours which must be analyzed and understood. That is why superior offices must understand themselves thoroughly well.

They must also understand their subordinates very well and work out appropriate motivation packages depending on the circumstance that will make the employees to work. Some of all these issues can not be treated in detail in this course. We are going to carry them over to the next one. Principles and theories of leadership and motivation will be corrected in our next course together with other important principles that  225 we could not address sufficiently in this course.

Presently, we are going to look at three keys areas and all of them introductory in scope. We shall be discussing shortly the communication principles, leadership and motivation. Under leadership we shall examine the qualities of a good leader, while in motivation; we shall be highlighting the techniques on human relations.

By the end of this note, you should be able to:
 · define communication
· list the importance of communication in organization
· explain what is leadership
· the ingredients of leadership in organizations
· qualities of a good leadership
· techniques of good human relations.

3.1 Definition of Communication
Communication is the process of transferring information from a sender to a receiver with the information being understood by the receiver. The key areas here in this definition concern the sender of the communication, the transmission of the message and the receiver of the message.

But we have to note that there can be noise. Noise is any thing that interferes with good communication. We should note the need for feedback because that is what facilitates communication. We shall be examining of all and more including electronic media in communication in our second course in management which comes up in the second semester.

3.2 Importance of Communication Communication plays key roles in every organization. The importance of communication can be seen from the following: 

 3.2.1 Communication is the means by which people are linked together in an organization. We have already stressed this point when we were treating co-ordinating. Can you still recollect what we said there?

3.2.2 Arising from the first point we have just said, communication enables people to achieve organization’s objectives. Without communication, you are helpless and may know what to do. You may not know even the objectives of the organization and how to go about achieving them

 3.2.3 Communication makes it possible for changes to happen through the formulation and execution of plans. As a result, planning is impossible without communication.

3.2.4 Through communication, it is possible to organize human and material resources in the most effective and efficient manner.

3.2.5 Communication makes it possible to select, develop, appraise members of staff in an organization.

3.2.6 It is through communication that the manager can be able to lead, direct, motivate and create a climate in which people will want to contribute.

 3.2.7 To control performance so that the objectives which have already been set is impossible without good communication system.

 3.3 Leadership The managerial function of leading is simply the process of influencing people so that they will contribute to the goals of the organization. To lead is to influence, to guide and to motivate. We will be discussing more on the principles and theories of leadership again in our next course. The leader encourages people to develop not only willingness to work but also willingness to work with zeal and confidence. Zeal is order, earnestness and intensity in the execution of work; confidence reflects experience and technical ability. A leader ensures the development of all these and more. He does not stand behind a group simply to push and produce. He stands at the forefront before the group as he facilitates progress and inspires the group to accomplish goals. 

3.4 Ingredients of Leadership
3.4.1 Leaders look at the future and create mental pictures of which they want to be happy. People perish for lack of vision. But leaders envisage the future and make things to happen. They are not satisfied with the status quo; they always seek for improvement.

3.4.2 Leaders instill values wherever they are. These values can be good quality of the goods and services they are making, values for honesty, concern for employees, and concern for customers.

3.4.3 Leaders have the power which they use effectively and in a most responsible manner.

3.4.4 They have the ability to know that human beings have different needs at different times. They try to satisfy these needs.

3.4.5 They always a source of inspiration to others. Even when they are not around the work goes on.

3.4.6 They have the ability to act in a manner that will develop a climate conducive to mental and physical efforts which are satisfying to both the employees, customers and organization.

 3.5 Qualities of a good Leader
From all what we have said in 3-4, you can summarize what can be regarded as the qualities which a good leader has. These are in the following ways:

3.5.1 A leader must posses’ energy. A lazy and weak person can not be a meaningful leader. The energy is not only physical energy but also mental energy as well as spiritual energy too.

3.5.2 Emotional Stability: This is important because it enables the leader to act with self confidence. He avoids anger, resentment,  228 fear and other negative emotions and reactions. All this is necessary so that he can be able to lead the subordinates with understanding.

3.5.3 The leader has a good knowledge of human relations. Human relations demand a good understanding of human behaviours and construction reactions to these behaviours.

3.5.4 Empathy. The leader has to put him in the position of the subordinates. He must not take decision solely at his own level. He must assess the impact of an intending decision on his followers. He has to look at things objectively from the subordinate’s point of view.
3.5.5 Personal motivation. The leader wants to start something new. He has initiative. He has ideas which he wants to put into practice. The enthusiasm is there and is always a self starter.

3.5.6 Communication skill which is the ability to write and talk forcefully. The leader message is always clear and to the point. He uses other forms of non verbal communication such as smiles, gesticulations among others to convey his message to the audience.

 3.5.7 Teaching and loading ability which enables the leader to develop and inspire his subordinates.

3.5.8 Social skill: This enables the leader to understand people and know their strengths and weaknesses. All these make him to be friendly and approachable.

3.5.9 Technical skill which provides him with an effective knowledge and insights of the work operations under his guidance and so previsions.

3.6 Techniques of Human Relations
A good leader in exercise of his qualities ensures good human relations. He knows that not much can be accomplished on individual basis but in groups, a lot can be done. He makes the employees to work purposefully as a team through adequate motivation. The techniques commonly employed for this purpose are following:

3.6.1 Friendliness and approval: The leader has to be friendly with those working with his as well as outsiders. The depth of friendship should be well rooted on sincerely the desire to get  229 along with every one. The subordinates expect this because they depend on the leader/manager for a lot of things. They want to be accepted. They also want approval from their leader over constructive behaviours. Mistakes should be corrected with understanding and good performance rewarded adequately. The subordinates want to know that the boss values him and approves of him.

 3.6.2 Consistency and Fairness: Inconsistent behaviour by a leader or manager can be a source of anxiety and imitation. If it goes on, the subordinates might get totally frustrated with the entire job. This is why consistent behaviour from the leader makes the subordinates to develop confidence since they know what the leader wants and how they can respond to his demands.

3.6.3 Support subordinates: Support can come in a variety of forms such as seeking for their promotions, assisting when any of them alls sick, settling disputes among so as to maintain peace and harmony.

3.6.4 Use of Participation: This is used primarily as a tool for better decision. That is why both the manager and subordinates should always come together and decide on what to do. The subordinates will be committed to such decisions because they contributed to their making.

3.6.5 Closeness of Supervision: Once assignment has been defined and the time to accomplish it has agreed, subordinates should be left alone to perform. The leader only needs to monitor progress through reports. However, if the work is sensitive and /or difficult and as a result, the subordinate call for closer supervision, it can be extended to him.

3.6.6 Settlement of Grievances: Conflicts and grievances are bound to occupy in a group. This is because members of a group have difficult background and conflicting interests. But whenever conflicts and /or grievances arise, whether a major or minor one, the leader should quickly intervene and reconcile the parties involved.

3.6.7 Two-way Communication: There should always be a two-way communication. While the leader sends out messages, he must listen for the feedback. Similarly, at certain circumstances, the subordinates can initiate communication. In this instance, they are the senders of messages while the leader is the receiver. 

We have discussed the last management function which is on directing and leading. The function involves inter personal relations between the manager and the subordinates which are achieve through communication. Communication can be oral or written or a combination of the two. It must be clear and direct to the point. We discussed too leadership in terms of its meaning, the ingredients of good leadership as well as the qualities for good human relation which the leader/manager should always apply.

Directing and leading is the last function of management we are going to consider. We have discussed forecasting, planning organizing, coordinating, controlling, staffing and directing and leading. Some of the features of these functions will be further examined and covered in greater detail in our next house. 


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