
Inventory Management

A convenience point to start our discussion in this note is to provide an answer  to the question: what is an inventory? An inventory is a stock or store of  goods. Firms typically stock hundreds or even
thousands of items in inventory,  ranging from small things such as pencils, paper chips to large items such as  machines and trucks. Naturally, many of the items a firm carries in inventory  relate to the kind of business it engages in.

Thus, manufacturing firms carry    supplies of raw materials, purchased parts, partially completed items, and  finished goods, as well as spare parts for machines, tools and other supplies.  Hospitals stock drugs, surgical supplies, life monitoring equipment etc;  supermarket stock fresh and canned foods, frozen foods etc. To test your  understanding of inventory, try to identify the different types of inventories  carried in the following organizations: Banks, Laboratory, clothing store and  petrol station. 

After completing this note you should be able to: 
1) Define the term inventory and list the major reasons for holding  inventories. 
2) Contrast independent and dependent demand 
3) List the main requirement for effective inventory management
 4) Discuss period and perpetual review system. 
5) Describe the A. B. C approach and explain how it is useful 
6) Discuss the objectives of inventory management 
7) Describe the basic EOQ model and its assumptions and solve typical  problems.
 8) Describe the economic run size model and solve typical problems. 
9) Describe the quantity discount model and solve typical problems. 
10) Describe reorder point models and solve typical problems. 
11) Describe situation in which the single period model would be  appropriate. 
12) Solve typical problems that involve shortage costs and excess costs. 

3.1 Purpose of Inventories 
To understand why firms have inventories at all, you need to know something  about the various functions of inventory. Inventories serve a number of  functions. Among the most important are the following: 

1. To meet anticipated demand or planned demand. 

2. To smooth production requirements – This is true for firms that  experience seasonal patterns in demand often build up inventories  during off-season periods to meet overly high requirements during  certain seasonal periods. For example, poultry farmers keep inventory  of birds until festival periods when they will be sold. Can you think of  examples of firms that keep seasonal inventories?. 

3. To decouple components of the production distribution system –  manufacturing firms have used inventories as buffers between    successive operations to maintain continuity of production that would  otherwise be disrupted by events such as breakdown of equipment and  accidents that cause a portion of the operation to shut down temporarily.  The buffers will permit other operations to continue temporarily while  the problem is resolved. Similarly, firms can use buffers of raw  materials to insulate production from disruptions in deliveries from  suppliers, and finished goods inventory to buffer sales operations from  manufacturing disruptions. 

4. To protect against stock-outs, that is, one can reduce the risk of  shortages – resulting, for example, from delays due to weather condition  – by holding safety stocks, which are stocks in excess of anticipated  demand. Can you identify possible causes of shortages in raw materials;  work in process and finished goods? 

5. To allow economic production and purchase or to take advantage of  order cycles. To minimize purchasing and inventory costs, a firm can  buy in quantities that exceed immediate requirements. This necessitates  storing some or all of the purchased amount for later use. Similarly, it is  usually economical to produce in large rather than small quantities.  Again, the excess output must be stored for later use. Thus inventory  storage enables a firm to buy and produce in economic lot sizes without  having to try to match purchases or production with demand  requirements in the short run. This results in periodic orders, or order  cycles. The resulting stock is known as cycle stock. You have to know  that economic lot sizes are not the only cause of order cycles. In some  instances, it is practical or economical to group orders and/or to order at  fixed intervals. 

6. To hedge against price increases or to take advantage of quantity  discounts. Occasionally, a firm can suspect that a substantial price  increase is about to be made and therefore purchase larger-than normal  amounts to avoid the increase. The ability to store extra goods also  allows a firm to take advantage of price discounts for large orders. 

7. To permit operations. The fact that production operations take a certain  amount of time (i.e. they are not instantaneous) means that there will  generally be some work-in-progress inventory. In addition, intermediate  stocking of goods – including raw materials, semi-finished items and  finished goods at production sites, as well as goods stored in ware  houses, - leads to pipeline inventories throughout a production –  distribution system. As a follow up to question asked in section 1: What  functions do those inventories identified perform? 

3.2 Inventory Cost Structures 
One of the most important prerequisites for effective inventory management is  an understanding of the cost structure. Inventory cost structures incorporate the  following four types of costs:   

3.2.1 Item cost 
This is the cost of buying or producing the individual inventory items. The  item cost is usually expressed as a cost per note multiplied by the quantity  procured or produced. Sometimes item cost is discounted if enough notes are  purchased at one time.

 3.2.2 Ordering (or set up) costs 
These are costs of ordering and receiving inventory. They include typing  purchase order, expediting the order, transportation costs, receiving costs, and  so on. Ordering costs are generally expressed in fixed Naira per ordering  regardless of order size. When a firm produces its own inventory instead of  ordering it from a supplier, the costs of machine setup (e.g., preparing  equipment for the job by adjusting the machine, changing cutting tools) are  analogous to ordering costs; they are expressed as a fixed charge per run  regardless of the size of the run. 

3.2.3 Carrying (or holding) cost 
This is associated with physically having items in storage for a period of time.  Holding costs are stated in either of two ways: as a percentage of note price, for  example, a 15 percent annual holding cost means that it will cost 15 kobo to  hold N1 of inventory for a year or in Naira per note.  The carrying cost usually consists of three components: Cost of capital 
When items are carried in inventory, the capital invested is not available for  other purposes. This represents a cost of foregone opportunities for other  investments, which is assigned to inventory as an opportunity cost. Cost of storage 
This includes variable space cost, insurance, and taxes. In some cases, a part of  the storage cost is fixed, for example, when a ware house is owned and cannot  be used for other purpose. Such fixed costs should not be included in the cost  of inventory storage. Similarly, taxes and insurance should be included only if  they vary with inventory levels Costs of obsolescence, deterioration, and loss 
Obsolescence costs should be assigned to items which have a high risk of  becoming obsolete; the higher the risk, the higher the costs. Perishable  products such as fresh seafood, meat and poultry and blood should be charged    with deterioration costs when the item deteriorates over time. The costs of loss  include pilferage and breakage costs associated with holding items in  inventory.

For example, items that are easily concealed (e.g. pocket cameras,  transistor radios, calculators) or fairly expensive (e.g. cars TVs) are prone to  theft.  Stock out or shortage costs result when demand exceeds the supply of  inventory on hand. These costs can include the sale lost because material is not  on hand, loss of customer goodwill due to delay in delivery of order, late  charges and similar costs. Also, if the shortage occurs in an item carried for  internal use (e.g. to supply and assembly line), the cost of lost production or  downtime is considered a shortage cost. Shortage costs are usually difficult to  measure, and they are often subjectively estimated. Estimates can be based on  the concept of foregone profits. 

3.3 Independent versus Dependent Demand 
A crucial distinction in inventory management is whether demand is  independent or dependent. Dependent demand items are typically  subassemblies or component parts that will be used in the production of a final  or finished product.

Demand (i.e. usage) of subassemblies and component  parts is derived from the number of finished notes that will be produced. A  classic example of this is demand for wheels for new cars. If each car is to  have five wheels, then the total number of wheels required for a production run  is simply a function of the number of cars that are to be produced in that run.  For example, 200 cars would require 200 x 5 = 1,000 wheels.  Independent demand items are the finished goods or end items. Generally  these items are sold or at least shipped out rather than being used in making  another product.

This demand includes an element of randomness.  The nature of demand leads to two different philosophies of inventory  management. A replenishment philosophy, that is, as the stock is used, an  order is triggered for more material and inventory is replenished.  A requirements philosophy, that is, as one stock begins to run out. More  materials or ordered only as required by the need for other higher-level or end  items.  The sections that follow focus on independent demand items. 

3.4 Requirements for Effective Inventory Management 
Management has two basic functions concerning inventory. One is to establish  a system of keeping track of items in inventory and other is to make decision  about how much and when to order. To be effective management must have the  following:   
1. A system to keep track of the inventory on hand and on order. 
2. A reliable forecast of demand that includes an indication of possible  forecast error. 
3. Knowledge of lead times and head time and lead time variability.
 4. Reasonable estimates of inventory holding costs, ordering costs  and shortage costs. 
5. A classification system for inventory items.  Let’s take a close look at each of these requirements. 

3.4.1 Inventory Counting Systems 
Inventory counting system can be periodic or perpetual. Under a periodic  system, a physical count of items in inventory is made at periodic intervals  (e.g., weekly, monthly) in order to know how much to order of each item. An  advantage of this type of system is that orders for many items occur at the same  time, which can result in economies in processing and shipping orders. There  are also several disadvantages of periodic reviews. One is a lack of control  between reviews. Another is the need to protect against shortages between  review periods by carrying extra stock. A third disadvantages is the need to  make a decision on order quantities at each review. 

A perpetual inventory system (also known as a continual system) keeps tracks  of removal from inventory on a continuous basis, so when the system can  provide information on the current level of inventory for each item, when the  amount on hand reaches a pre determined minimum a fixed quantity, Q, is  ordered. The advantages of this system include; 

(i) Continuous monitoring of inventory withdrawals. 
(ii) Fixed order quantity that makes it possible for management to identify  an economic order size (discuss in detail later in the note). The  disadvantages include added cost of record keeping and also a physical  count shall be performed.  Bank transactions such as customer deposit and withdrawals are examples of  continuous recording of inventory changes. An example of perpetual system is  in two- bin system that uses two containers of inventory; reorder is done when  the first is empty. It does not demand record of withdrawal.

 Perpetual system can be batch or on line. In batch system inventory records are  collected periodically and entered into the system. In on-line system the  transactions are recorded instantaneously. The advantage of latter over the  former is that they are always up to date.   

3.4.2 Demand Forecasts and Lead Time Information 
Since inventories are used to satisfy demand requirement it is essential to; 

(i) have reliable estimates of the amount and timing of demand 
(ii) know how to long it will take for orders to be delivered 
(iii) know the extent to which demand and lead time (the time between  submitting an order and receiving it) might vary. 

3.4.3 Classification System
 Since items held in inventory are not of equal importance in terms of naira  invested, profit potential, sales, or usage volume or stock out penalties. They  must be classified in order of their importance to the business. One way you  can do this is to employ A- B- C approach which classifies inventory items  according to some measures of importance, usually annual naira usage (i.e.  naira value per note multiplied by annual usage rate) and then allocates control  efforts accordingly. Here, A is used for very important items, B for moderately  important and C for least important. A items generally account for about 15  percent to 20 percent of the items in inventory but 60 percent to 70 percent of  the naira usage. While C items might account for about 60 percent of the  number of items only abort 10 percent of the items of the naira usage of an  inventory. In most instances A items account for large share of the value or  cost associated with an inventory; and they should receive a relatively greater  share of control efforts. The C items should receive only loose control and B  items should have controls that lie between the two extremes.

 The A. B. C concept is used by managers in many different settings to  improve operations. For example in customer service, a manager can focus  attention on the most important aspects of customer service as very important,  or of only minor importance. This is to ensure that he does not overemphasize  minor aspect of customer service at the expense of major aspects. 

A-B- C. concept can also be used as a guide to cycle counting, which is a  physical count of items in inventory. The purpose of cycle counting is to reduce  discrepancies between the amounts indicated by inventory records and the  actual quantities of inventory on hand. Using A- B- C. concept let us attempt to  classify the inventory items contained in the following table as A, B, or C  based on annual naira value.    Item Annual Note Annual Naira  Demand Cost Value    
When you look at the information contained in the table carefully, we can say  that the first two items have a relatively high annual naira value so it seems  reasonable to classify them as A items. The next four items appear to have  moderate annual naira values and should be classified as B items. The  remainders are C items, based on their low naira value. The key questions  concerning cycle counting for management are: 

1. How much accuracy is needed 
2. When should cycle counting be performed 
3. Who should do it? 

The American Production and Inventory Control Society (APICS) recommends  the following guideline for inventory record accuracy ± 0.2 percent for A  items, 1 percent for B items and± 5 percent for C items.

 On when cycle counted be performed, you can decide to do it on periodic  (scheduled) basis or certain events may trigger you do it on a periodic  (scheduled) basis. An-out-of-stock report written on an item indicated by  inventory records to be in stock, an inventory report that indicate a low or zero  balance of an item and a specified level of activity (e.g. every 2000 notes sold.) 

On who should do it, you may use regular stock room personnel especially  during period of slow activity or give the contract to outside firms to do it on a  periodic basis. The latter provides an independent check on inventory and may  reduce the risk of problem created by dishonest employees.  

 3.5 Economic Order Quantity Model  The question of how much to order is frequently determined by using economic  order quantity (EOQ) models. EOQ models identify the optimal order quantity  in terms of minimising order costs. These models can take the following forms: 

1. The economic order quantity model 
2. The quantity discount model 
3. The economic order quantity model with no instantaneous delivery. 

3.5.1 Basic Economic Order Quantity Model 
This basic model assumes the followings: 
1. Only one product is involved. 
2. Annual demand requirements are known 
3. Lead time do not vary 
4. Each order is received in a single delivery 
5. There are no quantity discount 
6. Demand is spread evenly throughout the year so that the demand rate is  reasonably constant. 

The exact amount to order will depend on the relative magnitudes of carrying  and ordering cost. Annual carrying cost is computed by multiplying the average  amount of inventory on hand by the cost to carry one note for one year, even  though any given note would not be held for a year. The average inventory is  simply half of the order quantity. Using the symbol H to represent the average  annual carrying cost per note, the total annual carrying cost is Annual carrying 

Q  cost = H  2 ……………………. (1) 

Annual ordering cost is a function of the number of orders per year and the  ordering cost per order  Annual ordering Cost = DS  Q 

S = ordering cost 
D = annual demand 
Q = order size 

The equation shows that annual ordering cost varies inversely with respect to  order sizes. 

The total cost associated with carrying and ordering inventory when Q notes are  ordered each time is therefore:   

TC = Annual carrying cost + Annual ordering cost = QH + DS  2 Q 

D = Demand, usually in notes per year 
Q = Order quantity, in notes 
S = Ordering cost in Naira 
H = Carrying cost, usually in Naira per note per year. 

If TC is differentiated with respect to Q and equated to zero, and solving for Q,  we will obtain the expression which we use to determine optimum order  quantity, Q0 

………………………………… (3) 

The minimum total cost is then found by substituting Q0 in total cost formula.  The length of an order cycle is obtained by dividing optimum quantity (Q0) by  annual demand (D). 

To illustrate the use of expression (3), suppose a local distributor for Michelin  tyre expect to sell approximately 9,600 steel-belted radial tires of a certain size  and tread designs next year. Annual carrying costs are N16 per time, and  ordering cost are N 75. The distributor operates 288 days a year 

(a) What is the EOQ? 
(b) How many times per year does the store reorder? 
(c) What is the length of an order cycle? 

To answer these question demands that you know the value of D, H and S. 
These are as follows
 D= 9,600 tires per year 
H = N 16 per note per year 
S = N 75 

Having determined these values, answers to those questions are thus:

 (a) Qo =  300 tires

(b) Number of order per year 
     D/Q0 =       9.600 tires =32 
300 tires 

(c) (length of order cycle:  Q0/D = 300 tires = 
     9,600 tires 
1/32 of a year, which is 1/32 x 288 or nine workdays. 

Now, if your carrying costs are stated as a percentage of the purchase price of  an item rather then as a naira amount per note, is (3) still appropriate to  determine Q0, optimum order size? The answer is yes as long as you can  convert the percentage in naira equivalent.  

 Let us illustrate this with an example: suppose Tijani and Osot. Ltd assembled  television sets. It purchases 3,600 black and white picture tubes a year at N 65  each. Ordering costs are N 31, and annual carrying costs are 20 percentage of  the purchase price. Compute the optimal quantity and the total annual cost of  ordering and carrying the inventory 

D= 3,600 picture tubes per year
 S= N 31 
H= 20 (N65) = N13 (since this can be done,  Q0 expression is therefore  appropriate) 

Q0= 2DS =   2 (3,600 (31) =   131 picture tubes 
H         13 

TC = carrying costs + ordering costs 
= (Q0/2) H + (D/Q0) S 
= (131/2) 13 + (3.600/13)31 
= N852 + N852
= N1, 704 

3.5.2 EOQ with Non instantaneous Replenishment 
Recall the assumptions of the basic EOQ model discussed in the last section, it  as assumed that each order is delivered at a single point in time. In some in  time instances, however, such as when a firm is both a producer and user or  when deliveries are spread over time, inventories tend to build up gradually  instead of instantaneously.  When a company makes the product itself there are no ordering costs as such.  Nonetheless, with every run there are setup costs. Setup costs are similar to  ordering cost hence they are treated in (3) in exactly the same way. In this  case, the number of runs is D/Qo and the annual setup cost is equal to the  number of runs per year times the setup cost per run: (D/Qo)S 

Total cost is  TCmh = carrying cost + setup cost 
= (Imax) H + (D/Q0)S ----------------- (4) 

Imax = maximum inventory 
The economic run quantity is 

P = production or delivery rate 
U= usage rate 
The maximum and average inventories are  Imax= Q0 (P-U) and Iaverage = Imax  p 2 

The cycle time (the time between orders or between the beginning of runs) for  the economic run size is dependent on the run size and use (demand) rate:  Cycle time = Q0  U 

Similarly, the run time (the production phase of the cycle) is dependent on the  run size and the production rate:  Run time = Q0  P  Now let us illustrate our discussion in this section with an example:  A toy manufacturer uses 48,000 rubber wheels per year for its popular dump  truck series. The firm makes its own wheels which it can produce at a rate of  800 per day. The toy trucks are assembled uniformly over the entire year.  Carrying cost for a production run of wheel is 45. The firm operates 240 days  per year. Determine each of the following: 

(a) optimal run size 
(b) minimum total annual cost for carrying and setup 
(c) cycle time for the optimal run size  (d) run time 

D= 48,000 wheels per year 
S= N45  H= N 1 per wheel per year 
P= 800 wheels per day 
U = 48,00 wheels per 240 days or 200 wheel per day 
Thus each run will require 3 days.

3.5.3 Quantity Discounts  This section discusses the third variant of EOQ model. This requires that the  assumption of no quantity discounts is relaxed. A convenient point to start our  discussion in this section is to understand what quantity discounts mean. We  would define quantity discounts as a price reduction for large orders offered to  customers to induce them to buy in large quantities. 

The buyer’s goal with discount is to select the order quantity that will minimize  total cost, which is the sum of carrying cost, ordering cost, + purchasing cost:

 TC = Carrying cost + ordering cost of purchasing   
= (Q) H + (Q)S + PD 
       2         D 

P = note price    

Recall that in the basic EOQ model, determination of order size does not  involve the purchasing cost. The rationale for not including note price is that  under the assumption of no quantity discounts, price per note is the same for all  order sizes. 

There are two general cases of the model. In one, carrying costs are constant  (e.g. N20 per note) in the other, carrying costs are stated as a percentage of  purchase price (e.g. 20 percent of note price). 

The procedure for determining the overall EOQ differs slightly, depending on  which of these two cases is relevant. For carrying cost that is constant, the  procedure is as follows: 

(1) Compute the common EOQ 
(2) Only one of the note price will have the EOQ in its feasible range since  the ranges do not overlap. Identify that range   

(a) if the feasible EOQ is on the lowest price range, that is the optimum  order quantity. 
(b) If the feasible EOQ is in any other range, compute the total cost for the  EOQ and for the price break of all lower note cost. Compare the total  costs: the quantity (EOQ or the price break) that yield the lowest total is  the optimum order quantity. 

3.5.4 When to Reorder with EOQ Ordering 
EOQ models answer the question of how much to order but not the question of  when to order. The latter is the function of models that identity the reorder  point (ROP) in terms of a quantity: the reorder point occur when the quantity  on hand drop to a predetermine amount. The amount generally includes  expected demand during lead time and perhaps an extra cushion of stock,  which serves to reduce the probability of experiencing a stock out during lead  time. There are four determinants of the reorder point quantity. 

(1) The rate of demand (usually based on a forecast). 
(2) The length of lead time. 
(3) The extent of demand and/or lead time variability. 
(4) The degree of stock-out risk acceptable to management. 

If demand and lead time are both constant, the reorder point is simply: ROP =  D x LT 

D = demand per day or week 
LT = lead time in days or weeks 
Note: Demand and lead time must be in the same notes. 

The following example illustrates this concept: Osot takes Two – a Day  vitamins, which are delivered to his home by salesman seven days after an  order is called in. At what point should Osot telephone his order in?  Usage = 2 vitamins per day 
Lead time = 2 days  ROP
= Usage x lead time 
= 2 vitamins per day x 7 days 
= 14 vitamins 

Thus, Osot should reorder when 14 vitamin tablets are left. Now let us look at  a scenario where demand or lead time is not constant as earlier assumed. If this    is the case, there is the possibility that actual demand will exceed expected  demand. It therefore becomes necessary to carry additional inventory called  safety stock, to reduce the risk of running out of inventory (a stock-out) during  lead time. The reorder point then increased by the amount of the safety stock. 

ROP = Expected demand + safety stock during lead time.  For example, if expected demand during lead time is 100 units and the desire  amount of safety stock is 10 units the ROP would be 110 units. 

Service Level: Because it cost money to hold safety stock, a manager must  carefully weigh the cost of carrying safety stock against the reduction in stock  – out risk it provides, since the service level increases as the risk of stock-out  decreases. Order cycle service level can be defined as the probability that  demand will not exceed supply during lead time (i.e., that amount of stock on  hand will be sufficient to meet demand) Hence a service level of 95 percent  implies a probability of 95 percent that demand will not exceed supply during  lead time.  An equivalent statement that demand will be satisfied in 95 percent of such  instance does not mean that as percent of demand will be satisfied. The risk of  a stock out is the compliment of service level; a customer service level of 95  percent implies a stock-out risk of 5 percent. That is service level = 100  percent – stock-out risk. Later you will see how the order cycle service level  relates to annual service level.  The amount of safety stock that is appropriate for a given situation depends on  the following factors: 

(1) The average demand rate & average lead time. 
(2) Demand and lead time variability. 
(3) The desire service level. 

For a given order cycle, service level the greater the variability in either  demand rate or lead time, the greater the amount of safety stock that will be  needed to achieve that service level. Similarly, for a given amount of variation  in demand rate or head time, achieving an increase in the service level will  require increasing the amount of safety stock. Selection of a service level may  reflect stock out costs (e.g. lost sales, customer dissatisfaction) or it might  simply be a policy variable (e.g. manager wanting to achieve a specified  service level for a certain item). Several models will be described that can be  used in cases when variability is present. The first model can be used if an  estimate of expected demand during lead time and its standard deviation are  available. The formula:  ROP = expected demand + Z dLT during lead time.   

Z = Number of standard deviations  dLT = The standard deviation of lead time demand.  The models generally assume that any variability in demand rate or lead time  can be adequately described by a normal distribution. However, this is not a  strict requirement; the models provide approximately reorder points even  where actual distribution departs from normal. 

The value of Z, used in a particular instance depends on the stock-out risk that  the manager is willing to accept. Generally, the smaller the risk the manager is  willing to accept, the greater the value of Z. Let us illustrate this with an  example:  Suppose that the manager of a construction supply house determined from  historical records that the lead time demand for sand averaged 50 tons. In  addition, suppose the manager determined the demand during lead time could  be described by a normal distribution that has a mean of 50 tons and a standard  deviation of 5 tons. Answer the following questions assuming that the manager  is willing to accept a stock out risk of no more than 3 percent. 

(a) What value of Z is appropriate? 
(b) How much safety stock should be held? 
(c) What reorder point should be used? 

Expected lead time demand = 50 tons 
dLT = 5 tons 
Risk = 3 percent 

(a) From normal deviate table, using a service level of 1 – 0.3 =.9700 you  obtain a value of Z = +1.82. 
(b) Safety stock = Z dLT  = 1.88 (5)  = 9.40 tons 
(c) ROP = expected lead time demand + safety stock  = 50 + 9.40  = 59.40 tons 

If data are available, a manager can determine whether demand and/or lead  time is variable, and if variability exist in one or both, the related standard  deviation. For those situations, one of the following formulae can be used.  If only demand is variable, then d LT =  1LT d and the reorder point is   

ROP = - d X LT + Z LT d ----------------------------- (1) 

Where  -
d = Average daily or weekly demand 
d = standard deviation of demand per day or week 
LT = lead time in days or weeks if only lead time is variable, than
dLT =d dLT  and the reorder point is ROP = d x LT + Z dLT  ---------- 2) 

d = Daily or weekly demand 
LT = Average lead time in days or week 
dLT = Standard deviation of lead-time in days or weeks.  If both demand and lead-time are variables, then.  2 LT = LT 2  d + d 2 LT  and the reorder point is  2 + d2 LT2 …………………. (3)
ROP = d1 x L1T1 + Z LT d 

Note: each of these models assumes that demand and time are independent.  Let us illustrate the use of these formulas with the following. 

 Suppose a restaurant uses an average of 50 jars of a special sauce each week.  Weekly usage of sauce has a standard deviation of 3 jars. The manager is  willing to accept no more than a 10 percent risk of a stock-out during  lead time, which is two weeks. Assume the distribution of usage is normal. 

(a) Which of the above formulas is appropriate for this situation? Why? 
(b) Determine the value of Z 
(c) Determine the ROP 

d = 50 jars per week 
LT = 2 weeks 
d = 3 jars per week 
Acceptable risk = 10 percent, so service level is .90 

(a) Because only demand is variable (i.e., has a standard deviation) formula  (l) is appropriate   
(b) From the normal distribution table, using a service level of. 9000, you  obtain Z = + 1.28. 
(c) ROP = d X LT + Z LT d 
= 50 X 2 + 1.28 2 (3) 
= 100 + 5.43 
= 105.43. 

3.6 How Much To Order: Fixed –Order-Interval Model. 
When inventory replenishment is based on EOQ /ROP model, fixed quantities  of items are ordered at varying time interval. Just the opposite occurs under the  fixed-order-interval (FOI) model orders for varying quantities are placed at  fixed time intervals (e.g. weeks, every 20 days). 

3.6.1 Reasons for Using the Fixed-Order-Interval Model 
In some cases, a supplier policy might encourage orders at fixed interval.  Grouping orders for items from the same supplier can produce saving in  shipping costs. Furthermore some situations to not readily lend themselves to  continuous monitoring of inventory levels. Many retail operator (e.g. drug  stores) falls into this category. The alternative for them is to use fixed-intervalordering,  which requires only periodic checks on inventory levels.

 3.6.2 Determining the Amount to Order 
If both the demand rate and lead time are constant, the fixed interval model and  the fixed quantity model function identically. The difference in the two models  becomes apparent only when examined under condition of variability. Like the  ROP model, the two models can have variation in demand only, in lead time  only, or in both demand and lead time. However, for the sake of simplicity ad  because it is perhaps the most frequently encountered situation, the discussion  here will focus on variable demand and constant lead time.  Order size in the fixed-interval model is determined by the following  computation: 

Amount = Expected demand during protection interval + safe stock –  Amount on hand at reorder time  = d (OI + LT) + Z d O1 + LT - A 

Where  01 = order interval (length of time between order)  A = Amount on hand at reorder time    As in previous models, it is assumed that demand during the protection interval  is normally distributed.  Given the following information determine the amount to order  d = 30 note per day Desired service = 99 percent  d = 3 notes per day  LT = 2 days Amount on hand at reorder time = 71 notes  01 = 7 days 

Z = 2.33 for 99 percent service level  Amount =d (01 + LT) + Z d 01 + LT - A  = 30 (7+2) + 2.33 (3) 7+ 2 – 71 = 220 units 

3.6.2 Benefits and Disadvantages 
The fixed-interval system result in the tight control need for A items in an A-BC  classification due to the periodic review it requires. In addition, when two or  more items come from the same supplier, grouping orders can yield saving in  ordering, packing and shipping costs. Moreover, it may be the only practical  approach if inventory withdrawal cannot be closely monitored.  On the negative side, the fixed system necessitate a large amount of safely  stock for a given risk of stock-out because of the need to protect against  shortage during an entire order interval plus lead time (instead of lead time  only) and this increases the carrying cost. Also, there are the costs of the  periodic reviews. 

3.7 The Single-Period Model. 
The single-period is used to handle ordering of perishable (e.g. fresh fruits,  vegetables, seafood, cut flowers) and items that have a limited useful life (e.g.  newspaper’s magazines, spare parts for specialized employment.) The period  for parts is the life of the equipment (assuming that the part cannot be used for  other equipment) what sets unsold or unused goods apart is that they are not  typically carried over from one period to the next, at least not without penalty. 

Day-old baked goods, for instance, are often sold at reduced prices, left over  seafood may be discarded, and out of-date magazines may be offered to used  book stores at bargain rates. At times, there may even be some cost associated  with disposing of left over goods.  Analysis of single – period situation generally focuses on two costs: Shortages  and excess shortage cost may include a charge for loss of customer goodwill as  well as the opportunity cost of lost sales. Generally shortage cost is unrealised  profit per note. That is,    C shortage = C = Revenue per note-cost.  If a shortage or stock – out relates to an items used in production or to a spare  parts for a machine, then shortage cost refer to the actual cost of production.  Excess cost pertains to items left over at the end of the period. In effects,  excess cost is the difference between purchase cost and salvage value. That is  C excess = C2 = Original cost per note – salvage value per note.  If there is cost associated with disposing of excess items, the salvage will be  negative and will therefore increase the excess cost per note. The goal of the  single-period model is to identify the order quantity or stocking level that will  minimize the long-run excess and shortages costs. 

There are two general categories of problem that we will consider; those for  which demand can be approximated using a continuous distribution (perhaps a  theoretical one such as a uniform or normal distribution) and those for which  demand can be approximated using a discrete distribution (say historical  frequencies or a theoretical distribution such as the Poisson). The kind of  inventory can indicate which types of model might be appropriate. For example  demand for petroleum, liquid and gases tend to vary over some continuous  scale, thus lending itself to description by a continuous distribution. Demand  for tractors cars and computer is expressed in terms of the number of notes  demanded and lends itself to description by a discrete distribution.

 3.7.1 Continuous Stocking Levels  The concept of identifying an optimal stocking level is perhaps easiest to  visualize when demand is uniform. Choosing the stocking level is similar to  balancing a seesaw, but instead of a person on each end of the see saw, we have  excess cost per note (Ce) on one and of the distribution and shortage cost per  note (Cs) on the other. The optioned stocking level is analogous to the fulcrum  of the seesaw; the stocking level equalizes the cost weights, as illustrated in the  figure below.  The service level is the probability that demand will not exceed the stocking  level, and computation of the service level is the key to determining the optimal  stocking level, so  Service level = Cs  Cs + Ce 

Where  Cs = shortage cost per note  Ce = Excess cost per note    Ce Cs  Service level  S0  quantit        Balany c e point  So = optimum stocking quantity  If actual demand exceeds S0 there is a shortage: hence Cs is on the right end of  the distribution. When Ce = Cs the optimal stocking level is half way between  the end points of the distribution. If one cost is greeter than the other, S0 will be  closer to the larger cost.  A similar approach applies if demand is normally distributed. 

3.7.2 Discrete Stocking Level. 
When stocking level are indiscrete rather than continuous, the service level  computed using the ratio Cs / (Cs + Ce) usually does not coincide with a  feasible stocking level (e.g. the optimal amount may be between a five and six  notes). The solution is to stock at the next higher level (e.g. six notes).  In other words, choose the stocking level so that the desire service level is  equalled or exceeded. 

3.8 Operation Strategy  Inventories are necessary parts of doing business, but having too much  inventory is not good. One reason is that inventories tend to hide problems:  they make it easier to “live with” problems rather than eliminate them. Another  reason is that inventories are costly to maintain. Consequently, a wise operation  strategy is to work toward cutting back inventories by

(1) reducing lot size

(2)  reducing safety stocks.  Japanese manufactures use smaller lots sizes than their western counterparts  because they have a different perspective on inventory carrying costs. Recall  that carrying costs and ordering costs are equal at the EOQ. A higher carrying  cost, results in a steeper carrying-cost line, and the resulting intersection with  the ordering-cost line at a smaller quantity; hence, a smaller EOQ. 

The second factor in the EOQ mode that can contribute to smaller lot seizes is  the set up or ordering processing cost. Numerous cases can be cited where  these costs have been reduced through research efforts. However while  reduction due to carrying costs stems from a reassessment of those costs, a    reduction due to ordering or set up cost must come from actually pursuing  improvement. Together, these cost reduction can lead to even smaller lot  seizes.

 Additional reductions in inventory can be achieved by reducing the amount of  safety stock carried. Important factor in safety stock are lead time variability,  reductions of which will result in lower safety stocks. These reductions can  often be realized by working with supplier, choosing suppliers located close to  the buyer, and shifting to smaller lot sizes.  To achieve these reductions, an A-B-C approach is very beneficial. This means  that all phases of operation should be examined, and those showing the greatest  potential for improvement (A items) should be attacked first.  Last, it is important to make sure that inventory records be kept accurate and up  to date. Estimated of holding costs, setup costs, and lead time should be  reviewed periodically and updated as necessary. 

In this note you have learnt the management of finished goods, raw materials,  purchased parts and retail items. You have also learnt the different functions of  inventories, requirements for effective inventory management, objective of  inventory control, and the techniques for determining how much to order and  when to order. 

Good inventory management is often the mark of a well-run organization.  Inventory levels must be planned carefully in order to balance the cost of  holding inventory and the cost of providing reasonable levels of customer  service. Successful inventory transactions, accurate information about demand  and lead times, realistic estimates for certain inventory-related costs, and a  priority system for classifying the items in inventory and allocating control  efforts. 

The models described in this note are relevant for instances where demand for  inventory items is independent. Four classes of models are described; EOQ,  ROP, fixed-interval and the single-period models. The first three are  appropriate if unused items can be carried over into subsequent periods. The  single-period model is appropriate when items cannot be carried over. EOQ  models address the question of how much to order.

The ROP models address  the question of when to order and are particularly helpful in dealing with  situations that include variations in either demand rate or lead time. ROP  models involve service level and safety stock considerations. When the time  between orders is fixed, the F0I model is useful. The single-period model is  used for items that have a “shelf life” of one period. 


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