

Having completed our discussions on the managing function of organizing, the next logical function in discussing the staffing. Some people will like to discuss staffing while treating organizing. But it is
better we separate the two because of the role members perform in an organization. When we were discussing organizing, we emphasized the point that it involves among things creating a structure of an organization which consists of role.

 These roles must be performed efficiently so as to attain the objectives of the organization. And the performance of roles is usually accomplished by people, that is, the employees of an organization. The employees essentially perform two types of roles. The first of these roles concerns the creative and innovative work of management; the second is the routine, repetitive work of the subordinates or the doers. Let me emphasize that these two firms of roles are important in the attainment of organizational objectives.

This is why the workforce of an organization is the most important resource. They work on and make use of the other resources in order to achieve result. This is why organizations spend a great deal of money in the training and retaining of their staff members. This note starts with the definition of staffing and an explanation of what it means. Therefore, some duties associates with staffing which is  211 popularly called these days human resources management will be discussed.

By the end of this note, you should be able to :
· define staffing
· explain the management function staffing
· describe the specific duties that are associated with staffing

3.1 Definition of Staffing
The management function of staffing is define as filling and keeping filled, positions created in the organization structure. This is done by identifying workforce requirements, inventorying , selecting, placing ,promoting, appraising or developing job holders or candidates so that they can be able to accomplish their tasks effectively.

Consequently staffing is involved in human resources management and it is utilize effectively employees talents in the attainment of organizational objectives. For all this to be possible , there are specific duties which have to be performed. We shall be considering these duties in the subsequent sections of this note.

3.1 Staffing Duties
The management function of staffing necessitate the perform of several duties necessary for the employees to work better. These duties we are going to discuss below. 

 3.2.1 Personnel Policy
Policy , we have discussed earlier, is a guide to action. It provides basis for organizational activities. In respect of human resource management all issues relating to staffing must be reflected in the personnel policy of the organization.

Such issues include: appropriate methods of calculating the salaries and wages of the employees, training , promotion among others. Once the policy framework has been provided, there should no deviation from. It has to be followed religiously.

3.2.2 Recruitment
In staffing, recruitment has a different meaning from our every day use of the word. In common conversation, recruitment is generally considered as giving somebody a job. But in staffing, it takes a new meaning. Recruitment is announcing to the general public the existence of vacancies in an organization from suitably qualified candidates .

Once the applications are received and short listed, that is the end of recruitment. Short listing applications means picking those ones that the organization thinks have the prospect of being employed. There are bases for recruitment which the manager has to consider.

Bases for Recruitment
· Job analysis means the breaking down of the main content of a job. That is the basic activities that need to be performed by whosoever is going to occupy that position. Consequently, job analysis attempts to reveal the degree of skills and personal qualifications needed to perform the task under consideration.

· Job description: Job description involves a written report which is based on job analysis . In describing the job, the manager talks about the expected outcome when the activities already identified in the job analysis are carried out. It also involves comparing that job with other jobs in other positions.

Job title must also be given to the job because every position must have a job title. Again job description will entrant showing what mental and physical skills that will be needed to do the job.

· Job Classification: Job classifications involves the grouping together of several positions into a single class and then assign common rates and benefits to all of them. As an example, supervisors in personnel department, marketing department and finance department can be grouped together into one class and assigned the same rate. Of course the grouping will be done by  213 considering the qualification (s) ,job experience among other factors.

· Job specification, as the name implies, is to specify what manner of a man or woman that can reasonably perform the task that has been analyzed and described. It points out among others, the special attributes that will be required to successfully do the job.

3.2.3 Interview/Selection
Interview is used inter changeably with selection. In case you are going through some text books, instead of interview, you may get selection. We have said that recruitment ends when applications having been received must be short listed and the short listed ones are invited for interview.

The essence of interviewing candidates is to verify what they claim to possess in their application letter or application form or application blank (Application blank is the same as application form).

There is always a panel consisting of panel members of interviewers. As much as possible the applicant or the interviewer, that is, the person looking for the job must be seated and put at ease. As much as possible, the atmosphere must be cordial and friendly. Interview can be oral and /or written. An interview may also need the demonstration of practical skills or knowledge depending on the job in question.

While going for an interview the candidates bring the original of the credentials he claims to posses. Any alternation on the credentials is suspicious and should be investigated. The panel members also look for considerations in the statements of the candidates/the applicant.

3.2.4 Placement
Candidates judged to meet the recruitment of the job are selected and placed on the job they have applied for. As much as possible, the right candidate should be picked so that placement will not be a problem. In placement the candidate or the new employee now is matched against the job.

It is assumed that the job he is going to perform ,he possessed a flair for it. That is, he is naturally gifted to do the task. You can not  214 place an engineer to do the work of an accountant. The engineer may not have a flair for accounting and as a result he may not perform.

3.2.5 Training
There may be need for training, not only for the new employees but also for existing job holders. Training is supposed to make up for any deficiency in skills. For a new employee, training is designed to make him familiar with his new work environment; this is orientation training. In addition to being oriented to his new environment, training is also calculated to detect special talent that the new employee may have and which will be useful for the organization. That is why the new employee may be exposed to the activities in marketing, finance, personnel and even engineering.

Where he excels is where he will be placed. Older employees can also benefit from training through updating of skills. This is important because the skills and knowledge of today may become outdated tomorrow. We have already discussed the dynamics of the environment earlier. There is the need for the manager to make a conscious, continuous efforts to improve on the training of the employees so as to make them to perform efficiently.

There are different types of training:
· On the job training where an employee is put through on a specific assignment by an older employee.
· Off the job training where the employee leaves the organization to undergo the training. · Apprenticeship training: this is where a person learns some technical skills within a defined period of time. He serves as an apprentice within that period.
· Technical training: Here the trainee learns theoretical knowledge and practical skills necessary to perform a job.
· Supervisory training is necessary for human relations skills apart from on technical training.
· Executive training: This is important for managers being prepared for top level management job. Human skill, design skill and conceptual skill are emphasized. There is less emphasis on technical skill.
· Simulated training: This is a type of training that makes use of models made exactly like real life objects or environment. For example, those who go to the moon are trained using this kind of training. The moon environment is reproduced exactly here on earth. It is only when they are successful here on earth that they can think of going to the moon.

The essence is to minimize making mistakes that they can be very fatal not only for the equipment and machines but also lives. 

3.2.6 Promotion
This is another function that is performed under staffing. Promotion, generally, means the shifting of an employee to a new position in which his status, salaries and responsibilities are increased.

This is vertical promotion. There is also horizontal promotion here an employee gets more salary (eg annual salary increment ) without necessary being shifted up to a new position, length of service ,performance, personal qualities ,qualifications among others should be considered when carrying out promotion exercise. Promotion should be on merit and the best qualified candidate should be promoted.

3.5.4 Remuneration/Salaries and Wages Administration
Adequate salaries and wages should be given as part of remuneration package to the employees. Due to sentiments and emotions commonly attached to salaries and wages. Consequently, trade union members are involved in working out what should be a living wage for the employees.

Remuneration can be worked out through hourly rate, piece rate or a combination of the two or any other acceptance basis. Whichever method that is employed, the outcome should be fair and the amount similar to what is paid to other employees in similar organizations.

3.5.6 Staff Welfare
This is ensured by maintaining all safety regulations and factory rules as well as office rules. Safety is also ensured by retaining the services of a medical doctor for quick reference of and attention to the sick. There is also the need for social welfare which involves providing recreational facilities, meal subsidy among others.

We have discussed staffing which is another management function. We defined what is staffing and we explained the nature of staffing. We also took a look at the difference duties performed by the manager under staffing. These duties increase: recruitment, formulating, personnel policy, selection, placement, training, promotion, salaries and wages administration and staff welfare. 

We have completed the discussion on another function of management, which is staffing. We have talked on the definition of staffing as well as the main duties that are commonly performed under this management function . We shall be taking other functions of management in note 16. 


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