
Budgeting in the Nigerian Public Sector

(Government Budgeting)
In the proceeding/previous unit, fiscal policy was taken to refer to that part of government policy concerning
the raising of revenue through taxation and other means and deciding on the level and pattern of expenditure

for the purpose of attaining some desirable marco-economic goals. Such fiscal policy can be used for allocation
stabilization and distribution.

In essence, a primary objective of official policy is to balance the use of resources of the public and private
sectors and by so doing to avoid inflation unemployment balance of payments presents and income inequality.
Budgeting can be seen as setting of expenditures priorities and the weighing of alternatives. It is a system
of resources allocation hence it implies looking ahead and planning since decisions involved in the process are
of future orientation.

In this sense, budgeting involves the converting of the multi-year plan of operations into
more exact short-term installments of inputs and outputs usually for the year ahead. It is no wonder it is taken
a part of the managerial cycle of planning executing learning and applying the lessons to plan, execute, learn
and so on. The national Budget or Government budget itself is the financial statement of the government’s
proposed expenditure and expected revenue during a particular period of time, usually a year. Such budgets
are usually employed to attain the objectives of full employment in the economy, price stability, rising growth
in National output balance of payments equilibrium and equity in income distribution.

To attain these objectives, the budget must be seen as exhibiting certain features. It is a plan (a financial
plan) of Operation, it is for a fixed period, it must be an authorization to collect revenue and incur expenditure.
It must be a mechanism of control of both revenue and expenditure and it must be objectives oriented.
On a broader basic, therefore, the budget is not only an instrument of economic and social policy but also
as planning tool instrument for co-ordination and an instrument for communication.
Therefore, a good budget requires comprehensiveness, a meaningful presentation of the state of budgetary
balance and an appropriate grouping of expenditure items

A budget is an estimate of the expected revenue and expenditure of individual, group, organization or government for a seated period of time, usually one year.
Put in another way, a budget is schedule of all the revenues and expenditures that an individual, group,
organization or government expects to receive and plans to spend during some future time period, usually the
following year.

Budget ranges from very simple and casual one like the typical family budget, to extremely complex and
sophisticated one like the Federal Government Budget.

The Government Budget

The government budget shows clearly the expected incomes and proposal expenditure of the government for
the coming year. It contains estimates of anticipated revenues from sales, taxes, gifts and it specifies what
expenditures are planned during the time period. If revenues exceed expenditures, a budget surplus is expected.
If on the other hands, expenses are expected to be greater than revenues, a budget deficit must be
confronted and some methods of financing it must be planned.

A budget is usually used to control the allocation of revenues so that spending is rational. It is an
important instrument in the planning and control of the financial matters of a country.
The Federal Government’s budget is usually prepared by the ministry of finance. The Ministry of Finance
requires other ministries to submit their expenditure proposals to it before the budget is prepared. The expenditure
proposals by different ministries may be adjusted or pruned depending on government policy and
the resources available.

It is important to unit the four stages that are involved in the budget of a Federal Government. The four
states are as follows:
(1) The formulation of the National Budget by the Director of Budget.
(2) The appraisal of the National Budget by the National assembly.
(3) The implementation of the content of the approved budget by the Executive arm of the government.
(4) The auditing of the budgeted revenue mapped out for expenditure in the process of the execution of the
content of the budget.

Budget Preparation

The preparation of the budget begins before the end of the present fiscal year. Each ministry sends its own
expenditure proposal to the Ministry of Finance and goes there to defend it. After each department of
ministry has successfully defended its proposals, the revised or amended proposals made in the budget are
presented to the National Assembly for deliberation. The debate on the budget is expected to be completed
before the end of the present fiscal year. After all the debates and amendments, the budget is finally sent to
the president for final approval and the remaining conflicts within the various departmental claims are to be
resolved by the president.

Budget Presentation

It is important to unit that there are various forms of budget presentation today in Nigeria. Only two parts in
the presentation of the budget will be discussed here.
(a) The Presidential budget speech which is usually on the last day of the old fiscal year. In the Presidential
budget speech, the major points contained in the budget are summarized by the President.
(b) Analysis of some selected aspects by the Minister of Finance: The second part is the careful analysis of
some selected aspect of the budget. This is usually done by the Minister of Finance. During this analysis,
the general public, especially the business, the institution, the ministries and the parastalas are
invited and questions raised by them are responded by the minister.

It is important to emphasis again that in the budget, the means of raising revenue will be stated and any
new tax proposed or any loan expected will be clearly stated. Normally, a country will try to cover all the
items of the recurrent expenditure from revenues from taxation and other recurrent sources. If possible, it
will aim at a surplus of such revenue over recurrent expenditure in order to have fund available for the capital

A budget has two sides - the expenditure and the revenue. Every government tries to balance the two
sides. This means that the expected revenue income is made equal to proposed expenditure. In some cases,
the expenditure is greater than the revenue and in other cases, the revenue is greater. This is why the term
budget deficit and budget surplus are used.

Budget Deficit

In any budget whenever the expenditure of the government is greater than the revenue, it is usually referred
to as budget deficit. In most cases, the government spends more than what it collects in form of revenue. The
excess of expenditure over revenue can be covered by loans from outside the country. In most cases the
deficit is usually covered by government borrowing either from the public or financial institutions.

Although no individual or business firm can incure deficit over an indefinite period, some economists
believe that the Federal Government is in a different category and that budget deficits for some years are
acceptable and sometimes recommendable. They point out that a balance budget is instabilising in recession,
aggravating the effects of a drop in national income. They suggest instead a deliberate unbalancing of the
budget to create a deficit.

The deficit according to them will increase total spending, which in turn will increase national income.
Because of the operation of the national income multiplier, the increase in the income will be larger than the
deficit. The budget deficit can be achieved by lowering taxes, raising government expenditure or by
adopting both measures. Although an increase in government spending may be more effective in
raising national income. Since it has a higher income multiplier, a tax cut may be preferable, since it can
be made effective more quickly.
If the total revenue of the government in a fiscal year is N250 billion, and the expenditure for the same
period is N275 billion, then there is a deficit of N25 billion. Again, budget deficit is usually used to increase
government expenditure so as to generate more economic activities and increase employment.

Budget Surplus

Budget surplus occurs when the government revenue is greater than expenditure. This means that the government
collects more revenue than what it spends. Budget surplus can be used to reduce inflation because
the surplus may come from taxation which will reduce the disposable incomes of individuals and as a result
reduce their purchasing power. The use of the government budget surplus is an important part of countercyclical
fiscal policy. During periods of inflation, it is desirable to reduce total spending in the economy,
diminishing the excess demand which is forcing up prices. At such times, the government budget can be
adjusted to produce a surplus and achieve the desired lowering of income.

The budget surplus may be accomplished by lowering government expenditure, raising taxes or adopting
both measures. The reduction of government expenditures is more effective than a tax increase as an antiinflationary
measure, since its negative income multiplier is greater, but it is generally harder to put into
effect, especially when the budget consists of many large items. It has to be noted that for the budget
surplus to be effective, the surplus money must not find its way back into the spending stream. The surplus
funds may be used to retire part of the outstanding debt of the Federal Government or build up the balance
of the Treasury account. If debt retirement is undertaken, the purchase of government bonds held by
banks has a greater anti- inflationary effect than the refunding of bond held by citizens and non-financial
business firms. But budget surplus can lead to lower economic activities and increased unemployment.

Four Main Roles of the Budget

There are four main roles of the budget and these include:
 (1) The Authorisation Function
As soon as the budget is approved, it constitutes an authority for implementation. The budget normally
contains a break down for the limit of expenditure that could be made on each expenditure head during
the budget period and once approved, it constitutes the authority limit within which expenditure could be
made. However, any required expenditure beyond such limit will require approval by higher authority.
(2) Directional Function
One of the roles of the budget is to provide a guide as to the intended direction of the economy during
the budget period in terms of priority, focus and attention. The budget is therefore expected to influence
individuals, organization s or institutions along the desired direction.
(3) Control Function
Control function is the most important role of the budget. This is the proper monitoring of the budget
and it helps to inject discipline in the Chief Executive of each unit as regards fund management. This
helps to ensure optimum use of resources.
(4) Development Function
The budget makes provision for development. The capital expenditure of the budget is, therefore, linked
to the development plan and integrates the budget with the plan. The budget then serves as the medium
for the actual implementation and actualisation of development plans.

Steps in Presentation of National Budget

In the present Nigeria, the government budget involves the following steps:
(1) An appraisal of the economy for the past budgeting period showing achievement, failures and things
that posed as problems during the period.
(2) The appraisal of the economy in the past budget period is followed by an analysis of the present day
situation in economy, stating problem and prospects in the present budget periods.
(3) The budget then specifies the national objectives in the budgeting period and the various policies
aimed at achieving them. In some of the budgets, specific targets are set and efforts are directed
toward achieving them.
(4) The budget then forecasts the future economic trend over the given period.
(5) Finally, the budget gives an outlay of expected revenue and intended expenditure over the budget
period. This involves an analysis of the expected government resources during the budget period and
the way the resources will be utilized to ensure justice and equity.

In most cases, the government bases the current year budget on the figures in the previous year budget and
this system is normally referred to as incremental system of budgets.

State and Local Government Budget

Like the Federal Government, the state and local governments prepare and present their own budgets almost
in the same manner as the Federal government. The only difference is that each tier of the government
prepares its own budget according to its own resources
As already mentioned the Federal government presents its budget on the last day of previous fiscal year.
As the fiscal year in Nigeria runs from 1st of January to 31st of December, the Federal government budget is
usually presented on 31st day of December each year. This will be followed by presentation of budgets by
different state Governors. The presentation of State budget has no specific date like that of Federal Government.

In preparing the budget, each state takes into account its resources, peculiarities and priorities. The
revenues generated from the state are meant to argument the state’s share of the ‘Federation Account’. The
presentation of the state budget is done by the state chief executives. This is followed by detailed analysis of
the budget by the Commissioner of Finance during which he answers questions from the general public.
It has to be noted that the implementation of the approved budget is usually carried out by the executive
arm of the government whether it is Federal or State. The budgeted revenue mapped out for expenditure in
the process of the execution of the content of the budget is later audited. This is to ensure that the approved
money is spent in the project for which it is meant or in other words to avoid the diversion of fund from the
project it is meant for to another and less important project.

The local government as the third-tier of the government presents its budget last after the State. The order
in the presentation is so because the local government that presents last expects some amount from both the
Federal and State Governments to make up what it will generate by herself. The expenditure of the local
government is mostly directed towards meeting the recurrent expenditure of the local government as well as
developing the resources of the local government.

The Budget as an Instrument of Economic Policy

The budget can be used as an instrument of economic policy. This is why we have balanced budget, budget
deficit or budget surplus. Each of these three type of budgets has its own advantages as well as disadvantages.
Each one plays a good role in the economy.

The classical economists believed that the budget must be balanced and they saw an unbalanced budget as
an unhealthy phenomenon. Much is sometimes made of the need for balanced budgets to ensure a healthy
economy even in the recent past. But even if optimum amount of government transfers and purchases occur,
balanced budgets do not necessarily prevent inflation or solve any other economic problem. Instead with a
balanced budget, total customer spending may be so high that inflation or shortages occur, or so low that there
is unemployment.

Budget deficits were no longer to be viewed as extraordinary and potentially dangerous acceptable only as
temporary expedient during recessions. Instead they were to be viewed as just another tool of economic
policy. Some economists at present argue that if budget deficit are needed to provide the additional spending
required to ensure a full employment economy, then such deficit should be encouraged in expansionary period
as well as in recessions. These economists suggest that annual deficits in most years might be required as the
price of economic growth.
The following are some of the main ways in which the budget can be used as an instrument of economic

1 . To Stimulate Recovery from a Recession
In the later years of the Great Depression, it was suggested that the budget should be deliberately
unbalanced, a policy known as deficit financing in order to promote recovery. This worked
successfully during the period and also during a period of serious slump, it is necessary, but in he case
of recession, it may be sufficient simply to reduce taxation.
2 . To Check Inflation
The aim of an anti-inflationary budget is to reduce the amount of purchasing power in the hands of the
consumers, and this is done by increasing the rate of taxation so that a substantial surplus is achieved.
So during the time of inflation, governments should increase tax rate so as to reduce the disposable
income of the consumers which will help to reduce the inflation rate.
3 . To Reduce Inequality of Incomes
In a country where great inequality of incomes exist, attempt should be made in the budget to introduce
progressive tax system. This will make the high income group to pay more proportion of their income or
wealth as tax than the low income group. Again inequality of incomes can still be reduced by the
provision of some social services which, though available to everybody are generally of most benefit to
people in the lower income group.
4 . To improve the Balance of Payment Position
Duties on particular imports may be imposed or increased for the purpose of curtailing the demand for
these goods, thereby reducing imports. Again duties on export goods can be reduced to encourage
export which will equally improve the balance of payment position.
5 . It is Used as a Means of Raising Revenue
This was the original role of the budget. Through the budget, the government plans to raise enough
money to finance the cost of national emergency such as war or disaster. It is also used as a means of
raising revenue for the various development projects of the government. This is true because in the
budget, the government sets out how it plans to raise its revenue.
6 . Budget is Used as a Tool of Economic Planning
Through the budget, the government assesses the economic performance of the various sectors of the
economy during the previous year. Sectors which require special attention i.e. priority areas are identified
and carefully enumerated.

Disposing of Surplus Revenue in the Budget

Whenever a budget is not a balanced one, it would either be budget surplus or a budget deficit. Care must,
therefore, be taken in handling either of the two. When there is a surplus budget giving rise to surplus revenue
due to increase in taxation or decrease in government expenditure, the government must be very careful to
handle this surplus in a way that will not offset the intended deflationary effect. The government must
withdraw the money form circular flow and not allow it to creep back into the circular flow.
One way by which to accomplish this goal is to actually destroy the money i.e. to burn the bills. An
alternative to this is to hold the money in idle treasury deposits. The third option is to use the money to retire
some portion of the public debt.

Ordinarily, when holders of government bonds cash in their holdings, the government simply issues new
bonds, selling the same amount of bonds to some different bondholders so that the amount of national debt
remains constant. But when the government has a surplus, it can elect to pay off the old bondholders without
selling new bonds thus retiring the debt.
However, there is a risk that some of this money will find its way back into the circular flow. But for the
most part, the money, that the households and business have invested in government bonds is intended to be
saved. Receivers of the money are, therefore, most likely to reinvest it in other form of saving-stocks in
private industry, savings account or other securities.

Financing a Deficit in the Budget

It has already been stated that whenever the government expenditure is greater then the revenue collected
deficit will accrue. How can this deficit be financed? There are many ways through which such deficit can
be financed.
In the first place, the government may choose to meet the deficit by increasing the supply of money; that
is the government will simply print up new bills in the amount equal to the deficit. Under certain circum122
stances, this is a satisfactory solution but in some cases it may be inflationary. The inflation which is the
reduction in the purchasing power of the currency may be acceptable or even beneficial with certain limits.
However it carries with it potential dangers for the economy.
Historically, many cases of hyperinflation were either started or fed by the printing of new money to meet
budget deficit. So in some cases, the governments are somehow hesitant about making extensive use of this
method of financing. But the introduction of certain amount of new money is often a sound economic policy.
In fact the relationship between the supply and value of money and the stability of the economy is an
important monetary policy, The other way that government can finance a budget deficit is by selling bonds i.e
borrowing money from households and businesses. One possible drawback to this method of financing deficit
is that it may take from households money that would otherwise be spent or from the business money that
would otherwise be invested in capital goods. Any such decline in spending or investment would of course
offset the basic goal of an expansionary fiscal policy.


A budget may be simply defined as a document indicating the total and composition of government expenditures
and the sources from which such expenditure are expected to be financed in the course of the year.
When a government plans its annual expenditure and revenue in such a way that both are equal, the budget
is said to be balanced. Where annual expenditures and tax revenues are planned in such a way that the
expected revenue exceed expenditure then the budget is referred to as a surplus budget, however, the total
intended expenditures for the year exceed the anticipated revenues, then the budget is referred to as a deficit
Essentially, the budget process in Nigeria involves the determination of the expenditure priorities of the
government together with the methods of applying the revenues from which these expenditures are met.
Although they may be variations among countries, the objectives and functions of a typical budget in
general include the following.
- The allocation function
- The distribution function
- The Stabilization function
- The control and management function
- Protection for local industries.
There are a number of ways in which the budget deficits may be financed. The popular ways include:
- Raising loans from members of the public
- Raising the level of taxation
- Borrowing from the commercial banks
- Printing of more currency units.
A typical annual budget composition in terms of expenditure is made up of recurrent and capital expenditure.
The revenue items includes petroleum profit tax, mining company income tax, PAYE, import duties, export
duties, exercise duties, interest and repayment of loans, fines, penalties, sales of goods and services, rents,
fees and charges, etc.


In this unit, we have usefully interpreted the term budget in several ways thereby analysing in one conceptual
issues like objectives goods of national budget, functions of budget, kinds of budget, budgeting system,
deficit budget, financing, capital and recurrent expenditures.



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