
Capital Budgeting Analysis Of Financial Statement

 In modern times, the efficient allocation of capital resources is a most crucial function of financial management. This function involves Organization’s decision to invest its resources in long-term
assets. This is important to the firm because, in general, all the Organizational profits are derived from the use of its capital investment in assets, which represent a large commitment of financial resources, and these funds usually remain invested over a long period.

The future development of a firm hinges on the capital previously accepted, undertakings which turn out to be less attractive to the organization than was originally thought, and divesting the resources to the contemplation of new ideas and planning. In this note therefore, we will consider the process, benefits and the key issues involved in capital budgeting. 

By the end of this note, you should be able to:
·         explain the term capital budgeting
·         discuss the process involved in capital budgeting
·         identify the benefits of capital budgeting.  

 3.1 Capital Budgeting Process
Capital budgeting (also known as investment appraisal) is the planning process used to determine whether a firm’s long-term investments such as new machinery, replacement machinery, new plant; and new product and research development projects are worth pursuing. It is prepared for major capital or investment expenditure.

The process involved in capital budgeting include:
 1. Identify required capital projects and alternatives
2. Analyze and evaluate all proposals and alternatives, emphasis should be given to validly of underlying data
3. Decide on and select best alternatives
4. Develop the capital expenditure budget
5. Strategic and tactical plans
6. Establish control of capital expenditures during the budget year by using periodic performance report by responsibility center .

 3.2 Capital Expenditure and Key Issues in Capital Expenditure Budgeting
Capital expenditure refers to the use of funds to obtain operational assets that will help earn future revenues as well as reduces future cost. It includes fixed assets such as property, plant, equipment and major renovation. Investments require the outlay of resources now to earn benefits in future and this involve the planning and controlling phases.

An issue in planning capital expenditure is the problem of ensuring that a company has the capacity to produce, required or be able to deliver the goods and services that will be needed to meet its sales and services plans. Major issues in controlling the actual expenditure are consistent with the plans and that fund is available when the expenditure is needed. 

3.2.1. Key issues in capital expenditure budget
Project orientation
Time dimension

Major capital addition for example, acquisition of land and new building
Minor capital expenditure for example, recurring replacement

 One of the important elements from capital expenditure budget perspective involves cash outflow and cash inflows.
Cash outflow include the cost of project in terms of cash outlay at various times during the life span of a project.
Cash inflow involves the expected cash revenues, net of cash operating expenses by period been carefully planned.

 3.3 Benefits of Capital Expenditure Budget
1. It enables management to plan resources to be invested in capital additions to satisfying customers’ demand and ensure growth.
2. Its planning process helps avoid:
·         idle operating capacity
·         excess capacity
·         investment that earn less than an adequate
·         returns on funds invested.
3. The rationing of capital among alternative projects
4. Focuses the attention of management on cash flows, a critical and often neglected problems
5. Increase co-ordination among responsibility centers. 

The above discussion showed that capital budgeting is very crucial in a firm thus managers should take it seriously. The note highlighted the process of capital budgeting, the key issues to capital budgeting and the benefits derivable from capital expenditure budgeting. 

This note has highlighted the meaning of capital budgeting. The process of capital budgeting was considered alongside the benefits of capital budgeting expenditure. It was shown that capital expenditure is vital to an Organization.  


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