An individual
is admitted into an organization or service based on his or her occupation.
Within the occupation, the employee moves from one step to the other from the
lowest wing to the highest. This progression is called career.
At the end of
his note, you should be able to:
identify what a career is
list various types of career
explain what each type of career stands for
list factors used in distinguishing between one type of career from
choose between careers.
3.0 MAIN CONTENT 3.1 Definition Career is defined as
the progression of an individual in a field of work throughout the employable
years of his life. In his own way Edwin B. Flippo defines career as a sequence
of separate but related work activities that provides continuity, order and
meaning in a person’s life. Two factors are common in the two definitions
Firstly longevity both definitions allude to life-long work
experience. Secondly, continuity the first definition which is more relevant to
public service related careerism to a given or choose field of work. The second
definition speaks of separate, bur related work activities. Such phenomena are
common in the private sector.
3.2 Classification of Career Systems
3.2.1 Open and Closed Career An open career system
permits entrance at any or all grade levels (by rank or position) in the
service. In some instances and places, even this entrance is limited by entry
qualifications. But in Nigeria such limitations are flouted when an individual
has “god Fathers” in high places. A closed Career System is one which utilized
the device of low maximum age limit for entrance and the filling of upper level
position almost entirely from within, to keep other entrants out.
A closed career system
does not permit entry at the middle or upper levels. Such a system is based on
the concept that substantial opportunity
for advancement can be ensured only if the hierarchy is refuelled in personnel
from the base, preserving upper ranks for the completion of those already in
the service. A Nigeria example that can approximate a closed career is the
military. Virtually all military position are entered into at the very base.
3.2.2 Programme Careers and Organizational Careers In
a large organization with numerous activities and programmes, an employee may
take a job in a section or a programme, whereas another employee may take a job
that permits mobility from section to section. The former is a programme career
and the latter an organization career. In the Nigeria context, what has an
employee done in a particular programme is also the nature of career or
occupation to which the employee belongs.
3.2.3 Job-Oriented Careers and Rank in-the-Man This
classification also known as the position and personal rank concepts, is
important but very complex under the position concept an individual career
progression is a progression from one position of jobs, sequentially in an
organization. E.g. a stenographer whose jobs are sequenced into levels, senior
and junior stenographer.
On the rank concept, people should be here on the basis of
their broad qualification and their assignments worked out from time to time to
suit the needs of the enterprise and the aptitudes of the individuals. Let
their progress and recognitions be based on the length and overall quality of their
service regardless of the significance of individual assignments which they
periodically assume.
In this note, the concept of career which is the
progression of the individual employee along a career ladder through his
employable life span has to be employed. The various ways of classifying career
based on two essential characteristics – One permitting the other restricting mobility
have also been discussed. <<<Previous Note View Course Content Next Note >>>
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