
Finance In An Economic System

Training in finance has served as a stepping-stone to a number of the top corporate positions in the country. Many students approaching the field of finance for the first time might wonder what career
opportunities exist. For those who develop the necessary skills and training, job positions in the field include corporate financial officer, banker, stockbroker, financial analysts, portfolio manager etc. This note centers on the origin of finance, finance as a discipline and the functions of finance. 

By the end of this note, you should be able to:
·         discuss the evolution of finance
·         discuss finance as a discipline
·         explain the functions of finance.  

3.1 Evolution of Finance
At the turn of the century, finance, though closely linked with economics, emerged as a separate field from economics. The major focus of this study reflected the developments of finance, namely, the building of giant Industrial Corporation by Rockfeller, Carnegic, Du Pont, and others. As a student of finance, you would spend much time learning about the financial instruments that were instrumental to mergers and acquisitions.

With the development and implementation of antitrust, corporate consolidations became less important, and more patterns of growth were emphasized. Attention shifted to stocks and bonds and other securities used for raising capital. The role of the investment, banker or intermediary in a security offering also received much attention. No doubt, the great bull market of the 1920s contributed to the emphasis in raising capital.

In the 1930s, the shock of depression ushered in an era of conservatism, and attention shifted to such topics as preservation of capital, maintenance of liquidity, reorganization of financially troubled corporations, and the bankruptcy process. The Federal Government assumed a much larger role in regulating business through the Securities Act of 1933 and the Securities Exchange Act of 1934. A by-product of this regulation was the development of published data related to corporate performance. The groundwork was laid for the sophisticated analysis of corporate information that would take place in later decades.

The 1940s and early 1950s offered new knowledge in the study or practice of corporate finance. However, in the mid-50s a major shift in finance took place. Up to that time, the study procedures of finance had been descriptive or definitional in nature. Furthermore, the orientation had been from the viewpoint of a third party or an outsider. All these changed in the mid-50s as a more analytical, decision-oriented approach began to evolve.

The first area of study to generate the newfound enthusiasm for decision-related analysis was capital budgeting. The financial manager was presented with analytical techniques for allocating resources among the various assets of the firm. The enthusiasm spread to other decision making areas of the firm such as cash and inventory management, capital structure formulation, and dividend policy. The emphasis shifted from that of the outside looking in to that of the financial manager forced to make tough day-to-day decisions affecting the performance of the firm.

 3.2 Finance as a Discipline
The focus of this course is on the financial management of business; however, the field of finance has broader perspective. Simply defined, finance is a body of facts, principles and theories dealing with the raising and using of money by individuals, businesses and governments. It covers essential areas of financial planning and financial institutions as well as managerial finances.

The individual’s financial problem is how to maximize his or her wellbeing by appropriately using the available resources. Finance deals with how individual divide their income between consumption and investment; how they choose between consumption and investment; how they choose from among available investment opportunities; and how they raise money to provide for increased consumption or investment.

Like an individual, business also face the problem of allocating resources and raising money. Management must determine which investment to make and how to finance those investments. Just as the individual seeks to maximize his happiness, the firm seeks to maximize the wealth of its owners (Stockholders).

Finance also encompasses the study of financial market and institutions, and the activities of government, with emphasis on those aspects relating to financial decisions of individuals and companies. Limitation and opportunities provided by an institutional environment is crucial to decision-making process of individuals and firms. In addition, financial institutions and government have financial problems comparable to those of individuals and firms. The study of these problems is an important aspect in finance.

 3.3 Functions of Finance
 Functions of finance to individuals and departments in an organization depend on the size of the company. The larger the company, the greater the degree of specialization of task, and the greater the proliferation of positions and departments. A smaller firm would consolidate many departments into fewer departments.

 Generally, the major finance-related functions in a firm include:
1. Financing and Investment: This includes supervising firm’s cash and other liquid (holding) assets, raising additional functions when needed, and investing funds in projects.
 2. Accounting and Control: This include maintaining financial records, controlling financial activities, identifying deviations from planned and efficient performance and managing payroll, tax matters, inventories, fixed assets, and computer operations.
3. Forecasting and Long-term Planning: This involves forecasting cost, technological changes, capital market conditions, funds needed for investment, demand for the firm’s product, and using forecast and historical data to plan future operations.
4. Pricing: This entails determining the impact of pricing policies on profitability.
5. Other functions: This includes credit and collections, insurance and incentive planning.

The talents required of financial managers are rapidly expanding and there is an increasing demand for financial officers. These greater demands placed on financial executives emerged from two factors. First, financial analytic techniques and financial securities have become significantly more complex. Second, more companies now have operations or raise capital overseas. This note also discussed functions of finance.

 In this note, you have been introduced to the origin of finance and finance as a discipline. The functional aspects of finance were also discussed. You were told that the finance function includes a wide variety of responsibilities, including budgeting, vesting funds, accounting, product pricing and forecasting. Finance embraces many sub areas such as personal finance and financial institution


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