
Preparation Of Feasibility Study

1.0 INTRODUCTION Feasibility study is becoming increasingly important to entrepreneurs venturing into projects. When a prospective entrepreneur finds himself in a crucial decision as to
whether or not to go into a particular business, he is carrying out what could be described as a feasibility study. A feasibility study is simply a possibility study conducted to determine if an envisaged project is possible and to ascertain its sustainability.

A feasibility study entails the total investigation plan for new business or of a proposed project to reveal and authenticate the viability, profitability as well as determine its economic desirability or values, technical, organization and manpower profitability.

In this note, therefore, we shall discuss the preparation of a feasibility study and see how useful it is to an entrepreneur. The end product of feasibility study is a feasibility report that guides in taking investment decisions and could also be used in securing finance for the business. 

2.0 OBJECTIVES By the end of this note, you should be able to:
·         explain the term “feasibility study”
·         discuss the process of preparing a feasibility study
·         state the uses of a feasibility study
·         identify the advantages of feasibility study
·         identify the features of a good feasibility report. 

3.1 Preparation of Feasibility Study
The process of undertaking a feasibility study will involve business and management consultants, professionals in the field and prospective beneficiaries or targeted customers of the proposed business. The prospective entrepreneur might also be involved. The problem or need that the business is expected to meet and solved should be properly captured, disserted and understood by all the parties involved in the study. The major steps involved in preparing a feasibility study are:

 i. Social and Legal Analysis: It is always very important to identify cultural factors that may likely affect the proposed business operations, and the legal analysis which deals with how local or national laws affect operations and consumption of products or services.

ii. Analysis of the Economic Environment: This entails checking the economic circumstances as it affects the local, national and international economic performance. Other economic variables to be examined include consumption patter, labour cost, price level, market potentials, and income and general industrial environment.

 iii. Market Analysis: There is a strong need to evaluate the past and present demand and supply function to determine the future performance of the proposed product or services. The past, present and future growth, identification of target customer, and the influence of competitions should be analysed.

iv. Financial/Profitability Analysis: These include the analysis of the following key points: a. The sourcing of the capital b. Use of capital and cash flow c. Initial capital requirement d. Return on investment e. Projected profit/loss f. Break-even analysis

 v. Technical Analysis: This includes the analysis of the following: a. Type of equipment required b. The stages the materials will pass through before the final product is produced c. Equipment maintenance culture d. Type and volume of raw materials e. Numbers, qualification and experience of manpower requirement 

vi. Formulation of Goal and Strategy: Mission, goal and objectives of the new business must be clearly stated. Strategy (both long and short) on how to go about achieving the desired results should be formulated to outwit the competitors and to be able to stay in the market.

vii. Revaluation: This involves going over and reassessment of the whole project plans. This is done in order to arrive at final decision whether to go ahead or not with the new project. 

3.2 Features of a Feasibility Report When a feasibility study has been carried out, a feasibility report will be drawn. A good feasibility report must be able to highlight the following: 

1. Background Information: This should give the reader of the report such information as:
- Name of the organization undertaking the business
- The location or contact address of the Organization
- The nature of the organization such as legal status, objects of the organization and previous experience of the organization in related projects.
- The Organization’s profile highlighting core competence as relevant to the project. 

2. General Market Information Relating to:
i. The problem or need that will be met using objectivity verifiable indications
 ii. The target market and basis of segmentation
 iii. Demand analysis
iv. Competitive position
v. Marketing position

 3. Production/Technical Consideration:
This should highlight the following:
 i. Product(s) to be produced
 ii. Manufacturing processes highlighting
iii. Plant size and production schedule
 iv. Machinery and equipment layout
v. Plant location v
i. Building and facilities
vii. Raw materials required
viii. Utilities required

4. Financial Analysis: This includes:
i. Analysis of the needed funds, which will reflect the following:
total project cost
cash flow pattern
 rate of return
alternative sources of capital

ii. General appraisal of the project, highlighting decision on whether or not to embark on the project showing:
capital needs of the project
income projection showing profit profile
 total investments in capital and recurrent expenditure
rate of returns  

3.3 Advantages of Feasibility Study
1. It helps to ascertain whether a project/business is worth undertaking by bringing out the expected returns and the risk involves.
2. It reduces chances of failures.
3. It is used to raise capital (source for fund) from financial institutions.
 4. It is used in justifying the need for a proposed project
5. It serves as a guide for implementing a project

The above analysis showed the importance of a feasibility study to a proposed project/business. It is essential that an entrepreneur embark on a feasibility study before venturing into a business. The major importance of a feasibility study is that it brings out detailed estimates of the cost, technical, commercial, management and financial aspects of a project. 

 In this note, we have discussed the meaning of feasibility report. You were introduced to the process of preparing a feasibility study. The advantages and uses of feasibility study were highlighted. 


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