1.0 INTRODUCTION We are going another step further in our examinations of the
stable relationships that must exist in an organization. In the last note, we identified
two major forms or
relationship – the line relationship and the staff
relationship. We pointed out that line relationship should be looked upon as
purely the flow or exercise of authority from the top to the bottom. Concerning
the staff relationship, we said that their existence depended solely on the
advice they render the line managers. Consequently, the staff relationship is
purely in advisory. We were able to identify the major advantages associated
with each relationship.
Further to our discussion last time in our last note, our present note
will extend the discussion. We are going to look at functional authority, the limitations of staff the conflicts that do
arise between the line managers and staff managers and suggestions on how the
conflicts could be minimized. All these and more are necessary so that we be
better placed to know how people interact in forma organizations. And when
people come together and interact in an organization conflicts are bound to arise.
But in this note, we are limiting the conflict to the ones that
exist between line and staff managers. This will give us done understanding concerning
our behaviours if we are already working. If we are not working yet, the lesson
is worth it too because one day we will find ourselves in work situation either
in line department of staff department.
By the end of this note, you should be able:
· describe functional authority
· know the importance of functional authority
· list the limitations of staff relationship
· explain the causes of conflicts between the line managers and staff
· suggest solutions on how to settle the conflicts.
3.1 Functional Authority
We noted earlier at the preliminary stage of our discussion on
organizing that activities necessary for the attainment of organizational
objectives must be identify, group and assigned. And when arrangements has been
made, it must be backed up with the commensurate authority, otherwise it
because ridiculous. The assignment of responsibility with the corresponding
authority is usually made to the manager and the subordinates that report to
Consequently, functional authority refers to the right which an
individual or department has through the process of delegation to control
specified processes, practices or other matters relating to activities in other
departments. For example, in the production department, there are the
production managers in addition to other personnel working under him.
There are issues relating to recruitment of personnel, salaries
and wages administration, promotion, industrial relations among others which
the production manager can other handle in relation to his subordinates. He can
not handle them because he was trained for that kind of process and practices.
He is an engineer.
The only person competent to handle these matters is the personnel
officer or manager, even though he is not in the production department. But by
virtue of his training, education, experience and expertise he can handle all
matters relating to personnel management in
176 the production department and other departments. /due to his
expertise, the right or authority to handle to personnel issues has been
delegated to him and to no body else. He thus has the functional authority over
personnel issues in all the departments in the organization.
3.1.1 Imperative of functional authority
a) it makes the manager
to exercise his authority by employing his expertise on matters relating to his
b) it makes every one on
the organization to know who is to do what at every point in time.
c) it makes every member of the organization to respect one
another since each on knows he can not do every thing. What can not be done by
d) it afford the experts to concentrate on the areas they have a
flair for.
3.2 Limitations of staff Relationships:
The staff concept even though it has some usefulness in an
organization has some limitations which can be seen from the following:
3.2.1 Absence of responsibilities for results
The role of the staff manager is simply to advice. The outcome of
such advice rests on the door step of the line manager, on the acceptance of the
advice or plan. As a result, when a plan fails, the line manager will like to
blame the staff manager for providing a poor plan.
The staff manager can on his own side would return the blame on
the line manager for not acting correctly accordingly to guidelines provided in
the advice. He could go on to extend the argument that the plan was good but
the incompetence f the line manager to execute the plan properly created the
poor result.
3.2.2 Undermining line
Sometimes, it get into the head of a staff manager to start
undermining the authority of the line managers. Such situation arises if the
staff officer is seen to be good in his job and as a results, a superior
officer starts having greater confidence and reliance on him.
By reason of the new importance being placed on him, he starts
undermining the authority of line
manager. Such situation is dangerous because it can result in anger,
frustration and outright concerned and the staff officer. All these pollute the
internal environment of the organization which does enhance maximum
3.2.3 Feeling of sense
of superiority
To counter the point raised in 3.2.2, the line manager since he is
one of those formulating personnel policy administering salaries and wages among
other personnel duties. But these are the functions of personnel management and
not production. Consequently, he is not qualified to do them.
As the organization keeps developing, a stage will reach when it becomes
necessary to remove these personnel duties from the production manager and
assign them to a personnel manager who has been trained and possesses the
necessary expertise to handle personnel issues.
When the decision is taken and implemented the production manager
may not like it. For one reason, while performing these personnel tasks as well
as his normal production duties, he arrogates to himself more power, more
prestige and even more status symbols. Some of these vanish overnight and to
this extent brings conflict between him and the new personnel manager.
3.2.4 Due to changes in technology
Technology is simply
the manner of doing something to get a desired out put. As a result of changes
in technology, the work of the line managers may become simplified. Some
aspects of the job may even be taken away by computers and robots. As a result,
those skills which have been developed by the line managers over many years are
lost overnight to machines.
And these machines are manned by staff specialists. Take the case
of an accountant boasting his unique skills of having a flair for figures and
can balance manually. With the introduction of computer, this can be done in
split second. Even when the accountant is computer literate, his level of
mastery of computer can not be compared to a computer graduate who is a staff
specialist. This is another source of conflict.
3.3.3 The work of the line manager being easily controlled
When the line manager was doing so many activities, it was
difficult to monitor, check and control his activities. But when the activities
have been reduced, the portion remaining in smaller and can be easily controlled
by a superior officer. To this extent, the line manager may not like the
development, it is not every body that can easily subject him to control.
3.3.4 Due to changes Many staff managers, once employed, are associated with bringing changes
and innovations. They formulate plans and play key roles in executing these
plans which are usually associated with changes. But human beings generally
including line managers resist changes. As a result, the new development brings
conflict between the two managers.
3.3.5 Differences in age
This is another possible source of conflict. The staff managers are usually
younger in age than the line managers. It is not every one that can take
directives from a younger person. Consequently, the age difference is a source
of conflict.
3.4 Ways of Minimizing the Conflicts between the Line Manager and
Staff Managers.
3.4.1 Removing overbearing attitudes:
Over bearing attitudes on both sides should be removed or at least
minimized. Both the line manager and the staff manager should cultivate
positive attitude toward one another They need to realized the unique
importance of each other and work toward mutual acceptance and tolerance.
3.4.2 Adopting patient attitude
In addition to point 3.4.1, both sides should also cultivate
patience. Proposal from the staff manager should not be dismissed outright as
not practicable because this hasty conclusion has arisen because of the conflict.
The merit of such report should be carefully examined. Similarly, the staff
manager should always sell his idea to the line manager. New changes take
patience before they become fruitful. The power of the tongue through
persuasion and reasoning should be used rather than arrogance.
3.4.3 Avoid playing the expert
Experts is only relevant to an organization when it is used to
solve problems and contributing to the attainment of organizational objectives.
Sheer pride and being resentful are not the ways of demonstrating expertise.
Changes should be welcome so long as they are beneficial.
3.4.4 Avoid Speaking technical terms
Whenever both. Are discussing, as much as possible technical terms
should be avoided. Speak the language of the hearer so as to avoid double
interpretation thereby resulting in negative feedback.
In this note, we have treated the limitations of the staff
manager. Even though he plays some useful roles in an organization, staff
concept has its own set back. We have been able to identify this setback. Staff
managers should guide against them. We also looked at the possible courses of
conflicts between the line manager and the staff manager.
Majority of these conflicts are inevitable because they arise in
the normal course of events as the staff manager does his job; some of the causes
are emphasized due to the negative reactions from the line managers. It is on
the basis of this that some recommendations have been highlighted as ways of
minimizing the conflicts.
We have discussed staff limitations in this note. Other topics
discussed include: causes of conflicts between line manager and staff manager. We
also looked at the possible ways through which these conflicts can be minimized
at least. These solutions centre namely on maturity which is nurtured through
positive attitudes
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