Business Communication is the process of
exchanging messages or information between
two or more parties for the purpose of
promoting business growth. Businesses today are
heavily dependent on information to meet Organizational
needs. Effective communication
plays a key role in fulfilling these needs
and contributes significantly to Organizational
success. Despite its importance, business
communication has not grown, as it should.
Realising this, both industry and academic
sectors have begun training employees and
students on business communication and its
relevance. It has become all the more evident
that business communication is vital for
effective functioning of business notes. This note
gives us an insight into what business
communication is all about.
On completion of this note, you should be
able to:
· Explain the concept of
business communication.
· Discuss the importance of
business communication to an organization.
· List the different forms of
business communications.
· Describe the hierarchy of
business communication.
3.1 Business Communication.
Business communications are used to promote a
product, service, or an organization;
relay information within the business; or
deal with legal and similar issues. It is also a
means of relying between a supply chain, for
example the consumer and manufacturer.
At its most basic level, the purpose of
communication in the workplace is to provide
employees with the information they need to
do their jobs.
Business Communication encompasses a variety
of topics, including Marketing,
Branding, Customer relations, Consumer
behaviour, Advertising, Public relations,
Corporate communication, Commnotey
engagement, Research & Measurement,
Reputation management, Interpersonal
communication, Employee engagement, Online
communication, and Event management. It is
closely related to the fields of professional
communication and technical communication.
Business is conducted through various
channels of communication, including the
Internet, Print (Publications), Radio,
Television, Ambient media, Outdoor, and Word of
Business Communication can also refer to
internal communication. A communications
director will typically manage internal
communication and craft messages sent to
employees. It is vital that internal
communications are managed properly because a
poorly crafted or managed message could
foster distrust or hostility from employees.
3.2 The Importance of Business Communication
Effective business communication is crucial
for the success of individuals as well as
organizations. Good communication skills help
individuals to effectively interact with
others in an organization. These skills are
important for career development as they boost
confidence; ensure clarity of thought and
information flow. Good communication is a
pre-requisite for good managers.
It is essential for organizations too. An organization
is benefited by the internal and
external information gathered and passed on
by employees. The management can use
such information to gain an edge in business.
3.3 The Basic Forms of Business
The basic forms of business communication are
of two types, namely non-verbal and
verbal communication. It can be in the form
of meetings, speeches or writing, gestures or
3.3.1 Non-verbal business communication
Non-verbal communication is a primitive form
of communication that does not involve
the use of words. It rather uses gestures,
cues, vocal qualities, spatial relationships etc. to
convey a message. It is commonly used to
express emotions like respect, love, dislike,
unpleasantness, etc. in business environment.
Non-verbal communication is less structured
compared to its verbal counterpart and is
most often spontaneous. As it is not planned,
it is sometimes considered more reliable
than verbal communication, as it reflects the
communicator’s true feelings.
Non-verbal communication enhances the
effectiveness of the message as gestures and
body language are registered more easily and
more quickly with the audience than verbal
communication. Non-verbal communication, when
combined with verbal
communication, makes a presentation more
effective and has greater impact on the
3.3.2Verbal Business Communication
However, non-verbal communication has its
limitations. Many complex ideas, thoughts
or messages have to be communicated
sequentially to be meaningful. Verbal
communication involves the arrangement of
words in a structured and meaningful
manner, adhering to the rules of grammar. The
message is then conveyed to the stake
holder in a business in either spoken or
written form.
1. Speaking and Writing
Effective verbal communication involves the
use of both speech and writing to transmit a
message. While oral communication is more
effective in reaching a focused target
people, as it involves interaction and
additional non-verbal cues to augment the speech,
written communication is necessary for
reaching a large number of scattered stake
holders in a business. These include the
customers, workers and management of the
Depending on the situation and the
requirements, businesses use both the spoken as well
as written channels for communication.
2. Listening
Businesses have so far not paid much
attention to listening as a skill. Equal importance
should be given to listening and expression.
Oral communication cannot be effective
unless the audience is good at listening and
most of its content is forgotten after a
presentation. Developing good listening
skills is essential for grasping the contents of an
oral presentation and retaining them.
3. The Process of Business Communication.
Business Communication also goes through a
process, involving the following phases.
• Sender
• Message
• Channel
• Receiver
• Feedback
4.Barriers to Business Communication.
The process of communication is susceptible
to many barriers. These can be categorised
into problems caused by the sender, problems
in message transmission, problems in
reception, and problems in receiver
5. Dealing with Business Communication
Though most communication barriers require
situation specific handling, a few basic
methods for dealing with them are available.
These methods such as know your subject,
focus on the purpose, know your audience, and
be Organized.
3.3.3 Methods of Business communication.
There are several methods of business
communication, they are:
· Web-based
communication - for better and improved communication, anytime
anywhere ...
· e-mails
, which provide an instantaneous medium of written communication
· Reports
- important in documenting the activities of any department;
· Presentations
- very popular method of communication in all types of
organizations, usually involving audio-visual
material, like copies of reports, or
material prepared in Microsoft PowerPoint or
Adobe Flash;
· telephoned
meetings, which allow for long distance speech;
· forum
boards, which allow people to instantly post information at a centralized
location; and
· Face
to face meetings, which are personal and should be succeeded by a written
Follow up.
3.4 Hierarchical in Business Communication.
People communicate in businesses with each
other most often by oral communication.
This talking takes place between mangers,
co-workers and subordinates alike. In
organizations, communication skill is used to
send messages 64% of the time. That is
why it is important to understand all the
concept of communication.
3.4.1 Vertical Business Communication.
This is the form of communication between a
worker and his or her boss. There is sign of
seniority in this type of business
communication. Have you ever noticed how people
communicate differently to their bosses than
they would communicate to their coworkers?
This difference in communication is due to
the chain of command. Managers or
"bosses" are typically in an
influential position over their employees. Managers have
authority or the right to give orders and
expect the orders to be obeyed. Many employees
may feel that any bad attitude or
disagreement with their superior may result in a bad
relationship with the boss and therefore
create a bad work environment or job description.
Communication from a manager to a subordinate
is also different. One reason for this
may be because of the arising concern by
managers not to offend their workers or say the
wrong thing. In today’s society, lawsuits run
rapid over conversations that some
employees may take offensive from their
bosses. Managers have a responsibility to know
and follow guidelines of good business
communication etiquette.
3.4.2 Horizontal Business Communication.
The communication process among workers of
the same level is called the horizontal
form of business communication. There is
actually no sense of seniority like the
horizontal communication. However, it also
attracts mutual respect in business
communication context. In most cases, employees
talk to their coworkers in a friendly
manner. The overall standard is that workers
will speak more freely and openly to their
fellow workers than to their superiors. When
workers talk to each other and relay
information on to other workers it is called
the "grapevine". The grapevine is the
unofficial way that communication takes place
in an organization. It is neither authorised
nor supported by the organization.
Information is spread by word or mouth and even
through electronic means today. The grapevine
can be used by an "open" company and it
will have accurate information however, in an
authoritative culture the rumor mill may
not be accurate.
3.4.3 Quasi-Vertical Business Communication
The last type of difference in communication
in which there is an intermediary between
the communicators. This could be found in a
situation where the communication between
the management of an organization and the
workers is achieved through the labour union
which the workers belong to. They do so to
emphasise status and independence.
Communication can be seen as the bedrock of
any business organization. There the study
of business communication should be paramount
to correct communication barrier in
various organizations.
This note has led us into the knowledge of
what business communication is all about. In
order for any human association to be
functioning, effect communication system must be
present. This is also applicable to every
business organization. We also examined
importance of business communication, forms
and methods of business communication.
We finally dealt with hierarchy in business
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