
Rectification Of Errors

Every concern is interested in ascertaining its true profit and financial position at the end of the trading year. But in spite of the best efforts of the book-keeper and the accountant, certain errors are committed in the recording of the transactions, which affect the final accounts of the concern.
It, therefore, becomes utmost important for the book-keeper and the accountant to locate such errors and rectify them so that correct profit and financial position of the concern may be ascertained.

In this note, you are expected to:
1. Know all those errors that will not affect the agreement of the trial balance.
2. Correct these errors and support the corrections with journal.
3. Locate all those errors that will affect the agreement of the trial balance.
4. Make necessary corrections by raising a suspense account and insert the amount of the difference between the two sides of the disagreed trial balance in the side that is short.

3.1 Journal- Rectification of Errors
In Note 6, we noted that the mere fact that a Trial Balance does balance is no conclusion proof of the correctness of the book-keeping. These, we agreed is because there are some errors that do not affect the agreement of the Trial balance totals.
These errors we learnt are errors of omission, errors of commission, errors of principle and compensating errors.
The other classes of errors are errors that affect the trial balance.
You should note that where errors occur, the only remedy is to carry out a careful and systematic check of all the postings with a view to locating the errors and effecting necessary corrections.

3.2 Rectification of Errors not affecting the Agreement of the Trial Balance
When errors falling under this class are located, the necessary correct entries must be made in the accounts. Full information as to the cause of the errors and their remedy must be recorded by a journal.
An example of each of these types of errors not affecting the agreement of the Trial Balance is shown below with the journal entry recording the correction.

3.2.1 Errors of Omission
A sale of N100 = worth of goods to Ade on 09/10/2001 was completely omitted from the books. This is corrected by debiting Ade account with N100 = and crediting sales account with N100.
The Journal
3.2.2 Error of Commission
A sale of goods N50.00 to John on 12/10/01 was posted in error to Johnson Account. This is corrected by debiting John Account with .72
N50.00 and crediting Johnson Account with N50.00
The Journal

3.2.3 Error of Principle
The purchase of office equipment N1,000.00 is posted to office and General Expenses Account instead of Office Equipment Account. This is corrected by debiting Office Equipment Account (real account) and Crediting Office and General Expenses Account (Nominal Account).

3.2.4 Compensating Error
The sales and wages accounts are overcast by N400.00 each. This is corrected by debiting sales account with N400.00 and crediting wages account with N400.00.

3.3 Rectification of Errors Affecting the Trial Balance
Apart from the errors that will not affect the agreement of the Trial Balance, there are other types of errors. These errors cause the disagreement of the Trial Balance totals with one another. These are mainly concerned with incorrect additions and where an entry is made by only one side of the book. A Trial Balance may not be balance for the .73
following reasons:
1. Error in posting
2. Balance unextracted
3. Balance extracted but placed on the wrong side of the Trial Balance
4. Incomplete double entry of item or items.
5. Errors in the balancing of opening figures and
6. Errors in additions

As the Trial Balance preparation is the first stop in the preparation of annual accounts, no accounts may be prepared unless the Trial Balance is balanced. In order to be able to prepare a draft annual accounts before the cause of disagreement of the two sides of the Trial balance is discovered, it is made of balance by raising on the short side a

The suspense account is raised by inserting the amount of the difference between the two sides of a disagreed Trial Balance and opening a suspense account in the ledger and either debiting or crediting it depending on which side of the Trial Balance is short. Efforts must be made to trace the errors before the preparation of final accounts.

Trial Balance as at 31st December, 2001
If the errors are not found before the final accounts are prepared, the suspense account balance in this case N50.00 will be shown on the liabilities side of the Balance Sheet. If the suspense account has a debit balance, it will be shown on the asset side of the Balance Sheet. The error must, however, be found and the suspense account eliminated if the figure is a material one.
Where the errors are discovered, they must be corrected, each one being supported by a journal.
Assume that undercasting of sales N30.00 and omission of N20.00 cash
received in Ola Account were responsible for the correction of Suspense Account N50.00 above. These errors were found on 2nd January, 2002.
It will be created thus:

• That only those errors, which affect the agreement of the Trial Balance totals are corrected via the Suspense Account.

• An item of N40.00 has been posted as N4.00 from the debit of the Cash Book to the credit of a customer's account. The obvious amount of discrepancy is N36.00 (Short Credit).

3.2.1 Illustration
The Trial Balance shows the difference which was entered into suspense account. The difference is a result of the following errors:
July 2001
1st July purchased goods worth N500.00 from Alhaji Bello had been posted in error to Alhaji Bala.
4th I credit sales of goods valued N80.00 posted to the credit side of Mr. Okon account instead of debit.
6th July, purchase day book was undercast by N300.00.
14th July sale day book was undercast by N8.00..75
15th July, machinery purchased for N50, 000.00 debited to purchases account.
You are required to make necessary corrections through journal entries.
That items 1 and 5 above do not affect the agreement of the Trial Balance totals. They are corrected by journal entries only while errors 2, 3 and 4 affect the agreement of the Trial Balance. The Trial Balance in order to balance must have a suspense account of N452.00 entered on the debit side. The amount of N452.00 needed to balance the Trial Balance is arrived at by considering the errors 2, 3 and 4 will have on the Trial Balance.

In Note 7, we noted that the mere fact that a Trial Balance does balance is no conclusive proof of the correctness of the book-keeping. This we agreed is because of some compensating errors. Also in the this Note (7), we discussed some errors that will affect the agreement of the Trial Balance. When any of the errors are located, the necessary correction must be made in the accounts and supported with journal.

In this note, we treated all those errors affecting the agreement of the Trial Balance and all those not affecting the agreement of Trial Balance. If the errors are not located before the preparation of the final accounts, in order to be able to prepare a draft of annual accounts before the cause of disagreement of the two sides of the Trial Balance is discovered, it is made to balance by raising on the short side. And this will be supported with journal.


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