
Special Purpose Subsidiary Book (Purchases)

In your previous studies, you have learnt that in any business, the number of cash and bank transaction is quite large. Hence, the firms always maintain a separate book called Cash Book to record them. Similarly, the transactions relating to purchase of goods are also large in number and
they take place too frequently. It is, therefore, considered desirable to maintain separate book for purchases also. In this note, you will learn how this book is kept.

After studying this note, you should be able to:
• Explain what is meant by purchases.
• Post transaction in various books relating to purchases.
• Prepare purchases and purchases return journal and post them into ledger.

3.1 Purchases Journal
The Purchases Journal (also called Purchases Book) is used for recording credit purchases of goods and raw materials. Note that the credit purchases of fixed assets like furniture, vehicles, etc are not recorded in this book. They are to be recorded in Journal proper about which you will learn in this Note. The Purchases Journal is also called Purchases Book, Purchases Day Book and invoice Book. When goods are purchased on credit, you will receive a bill from the seller. Such a bill is called 'invoice'. It contains the details pertaining to the quantity, price, trade discount, total account, etc. It is generally prepared in duplicate. The original is given to the buyer and the duplicate is retained by the seller. The entries in the purchase journal are made on the basis of the purchase invoice received. Although the invoice bears a number but the buyer records his own serial number to all Inward Invoices for easy reference. It is this serial number which will be entered in the invoice number column of the purchases journal.

Purchases Journal

The transactions recorded in the Purchase Journal are to be posted to their respective personal account in the ledger. When a purchase is made on credit, the supplier becomes the creditor to the firm. Hence, every credit purchase recorded in the purchases journal is posted on the credit side of the personal account of the supplier by writing ‘By Purchases Account’ in particulars column. The purchases journal is totalled periodically, say, weekly or monthly. This total is posted to the
debit side of Purchases Account in the ledger by writing 'to sundries - as per Purchases Journal'. Thus you observe that posting of Purchases Journal involves two steps:
i) Posting each purchase to the credit of the respective personal accounts of suppliers and respective personal accounts of suppliers; and
ii) Posting the total purchases to the debit of the Purchases Account. With this, the double entry for credit purchases is complete.

3.2 Purchases Returns Journal
In any business, sometimes goods purchased may have to be returned to the supplier either partly or fully. This may become necessary when they are found to be defective, damaged in transit, inferior quality, short weighed, received too late or not in conformity with the order given. If the number of such returns is small they can be recorded in the journal itself. But, if it is large, a separate book called "Purchases Return Journal" should be used for recording these transactions. This book is called "Return Outwards Journal" or "Purchases Returns Book". The proforma of a Purchases Returns Journal is given below
Purchases Return Journal

When goods are returned to the supplier, a statement called 'Debit Not' is sent to him intimating that his account has been debited on account of the goods returned. The debit note also contains particulars and the value of goods returned. It is also prepared in duplicate. The original sent to the supplier and the duplicate is retained by the firm. The entries in the Purchases Return Journal are made on the basis of the copies of debit notes issued.
The debit notes bear a serial number which is duly recorded in the third column of the Purchases Return Journal. While recording the amount of purchases return, you must remember that if the original purchases involve some trade discount, it is also adjusted in the value of goods returned. The transactions recorded in the Purchases Return Journal are to be posted to their respective personal accounts in the ledger. Separate account in the name of each supplier already exists in the ledger (opened at the time of purchase). The entries made in the purchase return journal will be posted to the debit of each suppliers account by writing `To Purchases Return Account'. The total of the Purchases Return Journal is posted to the credit side of the 'Purchases Return Account' in the ledger by writing 'By Sundries — as per Purchases Return Journal'.

Write up the Purchases Day Book of Mensha for the following transactions:
April 1 Bought goods on credit from Idowu N40.00
April 2 Sold goods on credit to Dada N20.00
April 2 Bought goods on credit from Dupe N50.00
April 3 Sold goods on credit to Wale N60.00
April 4 Bought goods on credit fro Idowu N40.00
April 5 Bought goods on credit from Kemi N60.00
April 5 Sold goods on credit to Wale N45.00
April 6 Sold goods on credit to Joke N30.00.81 

Firms generally maintain four separate books for recording credit transactions relating to goods, among these books are Purchases Journal and Purchases Return Journal. These books are dealt with in this note, we shall be dealing with the rest later.

Like the Sales Day Book, Purchases Day Book could be called Purchases Book or Purchases Journal. It is used to collect purchases of goods on credit till the end of the set time interval when the total figure for purchases will be debited to the Purchases Account in the general ledger. The individual accounts of the supplier are credited with their respective credits.
The ruling is similar to that of the Sales Day book and entries are made there in like manner but from the Sales Invoice of the supplier, it is only purchaser of goods that keeps Purchases Day Book.


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