
Linear Programming (LP)

In many business situations, resources are limited while demand for them is  unlimited. For example, a limited number of vehicles may have to be scheduled  to make multiple trips to customers or a
staffing plan may have to be developed  to cover expected variable demand with the fewest employees. In this note we  describe a method called linear programming (LP), which is useful for  allocating scarce resources among competing demands. The resources may be  time, money, or materials, and the limitation are known as constraints. Linear  programming can help managers find the best allocation solution and provide  information about the value of additional resources.   

After reading this note you will be able to: 
(i) Explain the characteristics and assumption of linear programming  model. 
(ii) Formulate models for various problems 
(iii) Perform graphic analysis for two-variable problems and find the  algebraic solution for the corner point found to be optimal. 
(iv) Describe the meaning of slack and surplus variables 
(v) Discuss the meaning of sensitivity analysis on the objective function coefficient  and right hand side parameters. 
(vi) Interpret the computer output of a linear programming solution. 

3.1 Function and Characteristics of LP  3.1.1 Functions 
(i) LP is useful in the specification of optimum organisation of resources in  a business organisation such that net returns of maximization of returns  is achieved under given condition of resource restriction. 
(ii) LP makes long range planning possible in business 
(iii) LP gives technical co-efficient based largely on the practices and  methods of operation adopted by the manager. 
(iv) By-product obtained from results of the LP planning exercises are  capable of throwing considerable light on a number of aspects of  business management e.g. the surplus or unexhausted resource(s), the  rate of interest the manager can justifiably pay on borrowed funds,  wages that the manager is willing to pay for labour. 

3.1.2 Characteristics 
Some assumptions (characteristics) go with the three components of LP  outlined in section 3.2, they are: 

(i) Linearity:- This implies that the input-output co-efficient are constant  and independent of the scale of operation implying constant resource  productivity and return to scale. 

(ii) Additivity:- This assumption implies that the total quantity of resources  used in different activities is equal to the sum of the quantities of  different input used in each activity and that the size of any activity is  independent of the size of other activities.   

(iii) Divisibility:- This means that inputs are infinitely divisible. Thus, an LP  solution can specify inputs and outputs in fractional notes such as 10.7  units of labour etc. 

(iv) Finiteness:- This implies that a limit exists on the number of `activities  and resources which can be programmed. This is a practical assumption  in the sense that an unlimited number of activities and resources would  make an optimum solution impossible to obtain 

(v) Single valued expectation:- This characteristics shows that the prices  of inputs and outputs, the input-output co-efficient and the levels of  resources are known with certainty. Hence, a LP model is deterministic. 

(vi) Non -negativity of decision variables:- This is very logical, there is no  way you use any negative quantity of any resource, the least you use of  any input among series of inputs in a production process is zero i.e. not  used at all. 

3.2 Components of LP Model 
(i) An objective function:- This must be clearly spelt out in mathematical  language, and this can take one of several forms e.g.
(a) Maximization  of net revenue or profit from one or a several combination of  enterprises
(b) Maximization of production or a transportation cost. 

(ii) Competitive enterprises with possible alternative methods of  producing each enterprise. This implies that enterprises must be  competing for the use of resources and in which case there is a problem  of choice among enterprises, (see section under formulation of LP  problem). 
(iii) Constraint to the attainment of the objective: A linear programming  (LP) problem exists only if there are constraints limiting the attainment  of an objective 

Basically there are 3 types of constraints 
(a) Resource constraint:- A manager always have limited levels of such  resources as capital, labour, machines, building capacity etc. which  limits the scale of his operation. 
(b) Institutional constraint: - This is typified by quota system which is a  contractual arrangement with say a governmental agency specified  minimum or maximum production levels.   
(c) Subjective constraint: - The manager imposes this on himself. For  example, there may be internal capital rationing due to (i) debt aversion  (ii) scale restriction due to skill (iii) consumption habit consideration etc. 

3.3 Formulating a LP problem  Linear programming application begins with the formulation of a model of the  problem with the general characteristics just described. We illustrate the  modeling process here with the product mix problem, a one- period type of  aggregate planning problem, the solution of which yields optimal output  quantities (or product mix) of a group of product or services, subject to  resource capacity and market demand constraints. Formulating a model to  represent each unique problem, using the following three-step sequence, is the  most creative and perhaps the most difficult part of linear programming. 

Step 1: Define the decision variable
 Define each decision variable specifically, remembering that the definitions  used in the objective function must be equally useful in the constraints. The  definitions should be as specific as possible e.g. X, = product 1  or  X, = no of notes of product 1 produced and sold at a time. 

Step 2: Write out the objective function. 
What is to be maximized or minimized? If it is revenue, write out an objective  function that makes the revenue a linear function of the decision variables.  Identify parameters to go with each decision variable. For example, if each note  of X1 sold yields a revenue of N45, the total revenue realizable from X1 equal  45 X1. The objective function often is set to equal to Z, and the goal is to  maximize or minimize Z. 

What limits the values of the decision variables? Identify the constraints and  the parameters for each decision variable in them. To be formally correct, also  write out the non-negativity constraints. 

Example 1  Lopin factory produces two basic types of plastic pipe. Three resources are  taken to be crucial to the output of pipe: extrusion hours, packaging hours, and  a special additive to the plastic raw material. The data below represent next  production situation.   

Resource                     Type 1 Type 2 Resource availability
Extrusion                     4hr 6hr 48hr 
Packaging                    2hr 2hr 18hr 
Additive mix               2kg l kg 16kg 

The contribution of profits and overhead per 100 feet of pipe is N34 for type 1  and N40 for type 2. Formulate a linear programming mode to determine how  much of each type of pipe should be produced to maximize contribution to  profits and to overhead. 

Step 1: To define the decision variables that determine product mix, we let  X1 = amount of type 1 pipe to be produced and sold after next production. X2 =  amount of type 2 pipe to be produced and sold after next production. 

Step 2: Next define the objective function. The goal is to maximize the total  contribution that the two products make to profits and overhead. Each note of  X1 yields N34 and each note of X2 yields x N40. For specific values of X1and  X2 we find the total profit by multiplying the number of notes of each product  produced by the profit per note and adding them. Thus our objective function  becomes Maximize N34 X1 + N40 X2 =Z. 

Step 3. The final step is to formulate the constraints. Each note of X1 and X2  produced consumes some of the critical resources. In the extrusion department,  a note of X1 requires 4 hours and a note of X2 requires 6 hrs. The total must not  exceed the 48hours capacity available, so we use the = sign. Thus the first  constraint is 4 X1 + 6 X2 = 48 (extrusion). 

Similarly, we can formulate constraints for packaging and raw materials. 

2 X1+ 2 X2 = 18 (packaging) 
2 X1+ X2 = 16 (additive mix) 
These three constraints restrict our choice of values for the decision variables  because the values we choose for X1and X2 must satisfy all of them. Negative  values for X1and X2 don't make sense, so we add non-negativity  restrictions to the model    X1 = 0; X2 = 0 

We can now state the entire model, made complete with the definition of  variables. 
Maximize 1 N34X1 + ; N40X2 = Z

Subject to        4X1 + 6X2 = 48 
2X1 + 2X2 = 18 
2X1 + X2 = 16 
X1, X2 = 0. 

3.3.1 Graphic analysis  With the model formulated, we now seek the optimal solution. In practice,  most linear programming problems are solved with the computer. However,  insight into the meaning of the computer output and linear programming  concept in general can be gained by analyzing a two - variable problem with  the graphic method of linear programming, even though it isn't a practical  techniques for solving problems having three or more decision variables.

Five  basic steps involved are 
(i) Plot the constraint 
(ii) Identity the feasible region 
(iii) Plot an objective function line 
(iv) Find the visual solution 
(v) Find the algebraic solution  Each of these five steps are briefly discussed 

(1) Plot the constraints:  We begin by plotting the constraint equations, disregarding the inequality  portion of the constraints. Making each constraint equal converts it to equation  for a straight line. The line can be drawn as soon as we identify two points on  it. To find the X1 axis intercept, set X2 equal to 0 and solve the equation for  X1. For the Lopin factory in example l, the equation of the line for the  extrusion process is 

We now connect points (0, 8 ) and (12, 0) as in Figure 11.1 below. 

Figure 11.1: Graph of the Three Constraints 
The solution for packaging process line 
2X1 + 2X2 = 18 
for X1, :2X1 + 2(0) = 18 
X1, = 9 
For X2 : 2(0) + 2(X2) = 18 
X2 = 9 

We now connect points (9,0) and (0,9) on the same graph behind in fig. 1. The  equation for the additive mix line is 2X1, + X2 = 16. To find X1, intercept, set  X2 = 0 
2X1, + X2 = 16 
X1 = 8 
To find X2, set X1 = 0 
2(0) + X2 = 16 
X2 = 16. 

We also connect points (0, 16) and (8, 0) for the additive mix on the same  graph of Figure 11.1. 

(2) Identify the feasible region  The feasible region is the area on the graph that contains the solutions that  satisfy all the constraints simultaneously, including the nonnegative restriction.  The feasible region for a maximization problem as in this case is that area  bounded by all the tree curves and so we would have the curve ICFH as our  feasible region as shown in Figure 11.2. Having obtained the feasible region we    now seek to locate the point that maximizes the objective function this is  achieved by plotting the objective function on the feasible region. The series of  lines plotted are called Iso-revenue curves if the
objective function is to  maximize revenue or Iso-profit curve if the objective is to maximize profit. The  optimal point is finally read as the point where the objective function line cuts  the tip of the feasible point (farthest point from the origin). 

Figure 11.2: The Feasible region  X1 

2 X1 + 2 X2 18 (packaging) 

(3) Find the visual solution  From the feasible region lCFH we eliminate corner point OH because better  points lie above and to the right. The optimal solution is the last point touching  the feasible region when series of lines with slope equal to the slope of the  objective are plotted within the feasible region. Due to some errors in reading,  the value from the graph or gradation, visual solution isn't exact. 

(4) Find the Algebraic Solution  To find an exact solution, we must use algebra. We begin by identifying the  pair of constraints that define the corner point at their intersection. We then list  the constraints as equations and solve them simultaneously to find the  coordinates (XI, X2) of the corner point.  Simultaneously equation can be solved several ways. For small problems the  easiest way is as follows. 

Step 1: Develop an equation with just one unknown. Start by multiplying  both sides of one equation by a constant so that the co-efficient for    one of the two variables is identical in both equations. Then subtract one  equation from the other and solve the resulting equation for its single unknown  variable. 

Step 2: Insert this decision variable value into either one of the original  constraints and solve for the other decision variable.

Find the optimal  solution algebraically for the Lopin factory. What is the value of Z when the  decision variables have optimal values.'? 
 Step 1 
4X1 + 6X2 = 48 (Extrusion) 
2X1 + 2X2 = 18 (Packaging) 

Multiply each term in packaging constraint by 2 to give 4X1 + 4X2 = 36. Next,  we subtract the packaging constraint from the extrusion constraints. 
4X1 + 6X2 = 48 
(4X1 + 4 X2 = 36) 
2X2 = 12 
X2 = 6 

Step 2 substituting the values of X2 into the extrusion equation, we get 
4 X1 + 6(6) = 48 
4X1 = 12 
X1 = 3 

The optimal point is thus (3, 6) to give an optimal profit of 
34(3) + 40 (6) = N4342 

3.4 Slack and surplus variables.  For a O constraints, the amount by which the left-hand side falls short of the  right-hand side is called slack. For a 1:1 constraint, the amount by which the  left-hand side exceeds the right-hand side is called surplus. To find the slack  for a O constraint algebraically, we add a slack variable to the constraint and  convert it to an equality. Then we substitute in the values of the decision  variables and solve for the slack. For example the additive mix constraint in  Lopin factory is 2X1 + X2 + S1 = 16. 

We then find the slack at the optimal solution (3, 6)  2(3) + 6 + S1 = 16 
S1 = 4.   

The procedure is much the same to find the surplus for a , constraint, except  that we subtract a surplus variable from the left-hand side. Suppose that X1 +  X2 , 6 was another constraint in the Lopin factory problem, representing a  lower bond on the number of notes produced. We would then rewrite the  constraint by subtracting a surplus variable S2  XI + X2 - S2 = 6 

The slack at the optimal solution (3,6) would be  3+6 - S2 = 6  S2 = 3 

3.5 Sensitivity analysis  The parameters in the objective function and constraints are rarely known with  certainty. Sometimes they are just estimates of actual values. For example, the  available packaging and extrusion hours for the Lopin factory are estimates that  do not reflect the uncertainties associated with absenteeism or personnel  transfers, and required time per note to package and extrude may be work  standards that essentially are averages. Likewise, profit contribution used for  the objective function coefficients do not reflect uncertainties in selling prices  and such variable costs as wages, raw materials, and shipping. 

In spite of these uncertainties, initial estimates are needed to solve the problem.  Accounting, marketing and work-standard information systems usually often  provide these initial estimates. After solving the problem using these estimated  values, the analyst can determine how much the optimal value of the decision  variables and the objective function value Z would be affected if certain  parameters had different values. This type of post solution analysis for  answering "what if' question is called sensitivity analysis.

 3.5.1 Right - hand - side parameters  Now consider how a change in the right-hand-side parameter for a constraint  may affect the feasible region and perhaps cause a change in the optimal  solution. Let’s return to the Lopin factory problem. Consider adding one more  hour to the packaging process, increasing it from 18 to 19 hours; i.e. 

4X1 + 6X1, = 48 (extrusion) 
2X1, + 2X2 = 19 (packaging) 

The optimal values are X1 = 4.5 and X2 = 5 and the new Z value is N34 (4.5) +  N40 (5) = N353. Because the value of Z was N342 with 18 hours of packaging  time, the value of one more hour of packaging is N11 (or N353 - N342). 

The change in Z per note of change in the value of the right-hand side  parameter of a constraint is called the shadow price, which is the marginal  improvement in Z caused by relaxing the constraint by one note. Relaxations    mean making the constraint or decrease it for an O restrictive, which involves  increasing the right-hand-side for an O constraint. The shadow price also is the  marginal loss in Z caused by making the constraint more restrictive by one note. 

3.6 Computer Solution  Most real-world linear programming problems are solved on a computer, so we  will focus our understanding on the use of computer to solving LP problems  and the logic behind its use. The solution procedure in computer codes is some  form of the simplex method, an iterative algebraic procedure for solving linear  programming problems. 

3.6.1 Simplex Method  The graphic analysis gives insight into the logic of the simplex method. One  corner point of the feasible region will always be the optimum, even when  there are multiple optimal solutions. Thus, the simplex method starts with an  initial corner point and then systematically evaluates other corner points in  such a way that the objective function improves (or at worst, stays at the same)  at each iteration. In the Lopin factory example we have being using for  illustration; an improvement would be an increase in profits. When no more  improvements are possible, the optimal solution has been found. 

3.6.2 Computer Output  Computer programmes diagrammatically reduce the amount of time required to  solve linear programming problems. Special - purpose programmes can be  developed for applications that must be repeated frequently. Such programmes  simplify data input and generate the objective function and constraint for the  problem.  Printout 1 shows the input data for the Lopin factory problem. The last half of  printout 1 gives the values an the type of constraint (O = or O). The user may  choose to enter labels for the objective function, constraint, and right hand side  values. Here the extrusion constraint is labelled "Ext" and the right-hand -side  values are labelled "RHS" Input data can be stored in file for use during  subsequent sessions. 

3.7 Dual  The objective of any LP process is called the primal, the process of reversing or  transpose of the primal process is called the dual. If the primal is to maximize  then the dual is to minimize, whether the primal function is solved or its dual  function is used to establish the solution, the answer remain unchanged 

3.7.1 Procedure for a dual process 
1. Observe the objective function of the primal problem 
2. Write out the co-efficients of the constraints of the primal problem in  form of matrix. 
3. Transpose the matrix of co-efficients of the constraints. 
4. Total requirement of each of the constraints of the primal problem now  turn coefficients of the objective function of the dual. 
5. Co-efficients of the objective function of the primal problem become the  resource constraints. 
6. The inequality sign is reversed for the dual problem. 

We have been able to see how the knowledge of LP can be of help in  management decisions to boost the performance of a business note or  production organisation. 

We are now able to take some economic and managerial decision on the use of  resources, what resource would contribute better to our objective has been  pointed out from slack activities column and the Z-C row of the optimal  strategy.  The limitations of graphical method compared to the simplex method was seen  in that graphical solution cannot handle clearly more than two objective  function case, whereas the simplex approach would do us better. The surplus  resource(s) or the shadow prices was equality highlighted in the simplex  method but cannot be depicted on the graphical solution.  



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